Stress-Related Headaches Don’t Need to Control Your Life Any Longer

Did You Know Physiotherapy Could Help with the Pains of Stress-Related Headaches?

Can you feel it? Starting with tension in your neck or shoulders and creeping upward through the base of your skull? You may have even tried stretching and optimizing your workstation, but if you are suffering from stress-related headaches, you know that the only relief comes from either reducing stress or taking medication.

Why live this way when a physiotherapist can help you relieve the pain and get rid of stress headaches once and for all?

Physiotherapy and headache relief

Physiotherapy is often the best treatment for stress-related headaches. Physiotherapy focuses on promoting relaxation and prescribed exercises.

Your physiotherapist can help you get to the bottom of your stress-related headache problem. Your physiotherapy treatment plan will likely include a combination of treatment methods, including, but not limited to:

  • Exercises that strengthen and loosen your neck muscles can help to ease the stresses that set off your headaches.
  • Chiropractic adjustment can correct skeletal misalignment issues that place your neck muscles under unnatural strain. These adjustments can also help to reduce headache attacks.
  • Laser therapy and massage therapy can both relax tight neck tissues and speed recovery to injured muscles.
  • Corrective exercises and postural/ergonomic changes can help you steer clear of “text neck” and other occupational headache triggers.
  • If your headaches are the result of a recent concussion, a carefully-administered course of physiotherapy can actually help you recuperate from that concussion more quickly.
  • Your physiotherapist can help you identify other headache triggers and suggest strategies for avoiding them in your everyday life.

A physiotherapist will address the pathophysiological aspects of the stress-related headache by implementing hands-on manual massage and soft tissue mobilization. Both increase the blood flow of tissue and reduce myofascial trigger points.

A physiotherapist may also perform soft tissue mobilization and hands-on manual therapy to alleviate the pain from stress-related headaches.

In addition, a physiotherapy treatment plan for a stress-related headache may include cold and heat therapy. The electronic pulse wands used for these ease muscle strain and provide a soothing relief.

Often, a physiotherapist will evaluate your posture in order to lessen the stress on muscles. They may also recommend lifestyle changes, at-home exercises and modifications to workstations at work and home. The goal of physiotherapy is to treat the root cause of your stress-related headache.

How can I tell if my headache is stress-related?

Stress-related headaches, also known as cervicogenic headaches or tension headaches, start in your neck and radiate to other areas of your body.

The back, side or top of your head may become painful. Your shoulder may start to ache on the same side where your headache began.

As a result, you may even experience weakness, dizziness or nausea.

What’s causing my stress-related headaches?

Stress-related headaches are often the result of stiff joints in your neck. As these joints become immobile, the soft tissue around them becomes tight, irritating the nerves in the area.

Once communication from the nerves is limited, your brain begins compensating in an attempt to return your body to proper function. As a result, you experience pain, stiffness, tension, even numbness and tingling.

Our sedentary lifestyle is partly to blame. According to one study by the Centers for Disease Control, one in four Americans spends more than 8 hours a day sitting down.

With more and more work happening at computer terminals, many of these hours are spent using poor posture as we slump over a computer screen and keyboard.

Of course, the natural solution has been ergonomically designed workstations that place your entire body into proper place before beginning work, but the sheer volume of time we spend sitting down during the day often contributes to the amount of stress-related headaches the typical person experiences.

How can physiotherapy help me find relief?

Most people associate physiotherapy with surgery. While it plays a vital role in recovery after going under the knife, physiotherapy is also designed to help you live a happier, healthier life.

A physiotherapist can examine not only your current shape, they can dive into the details of your work life to find ways to help you beat the sedentary slump contributing to your headaches.

First, a physiotherapist will take a detailed history, including an accounting of how you spend your time.

This will be followed by diagnostic testing that evaluates your muscle strength, balance, ability to stand, walk and sit, and your typical working posture.

Next, the physiotherapist will prescribe pain relieving manual therapy and stretches as well as targeted exercises designed to improve your posture and help fight the immobility at the root of your headaches.

Periodically, the physiotherapist will evaluate your progress and make suggestions for getting the most out of your physiotherapy experience.

Best of all, treatments are non-invasive and do not involve prescription pain medications that may make your symptoms worse.

Ready to say goodbye to stress-related headaches?

Still unsure whether physiotherapy is right for you?

Call our office to talk to our physiotherapist and find out how you can beat your stress headaches.

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