At Home Physical Therapy With Teletherapy

BeActive Physio now provides an HIPAA compliant telemedicine platform for their patients.

We pride ourselves on focusing on our patient’s best interest for health and wellness. We thank you for trusting us with your health care needs and hope you are navigating these difficult times with fortitude. To support the Health Authority, our medical system, our doctors and nurses, we are doing our part to practice social distancing and, as you are aware, we have paused our hands-on appointments.  

Out of an abundance of concern for our patients, we are now offering online video appointments with our physiotherapists, chiropractors and kinesiologists. 

What Would an Online Tele-Rehab Appointment be like?

In a confidential “FaceTime – like” session, our clinicians will focus on your RECOVERY. Expect to learn ways you can control your pain symptoms, be coached in tailored exercises and talk about your concerns with our experienced and caring team. 

Will it help you?  We think you should try. 

Until we can re-open and continue our hands-on treatments, our team can work with you online to help build on your recovery gains. 

What Will I Need to Be Able to Have an Appointment?

You will need:

  • A computer or laptop that has camera and audio capabilities.
  • The web browser Google Chrome or Firefox.
  • A quiet safe space around your computer where you can move and do exercise.
  • Access to your phone in an unlikely event of a disconnection.

To learn more, give us a call at 905.849.9119.

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