Everything You Need to Know About Your Sprains and Strains

We’ve all been there – walking down the street, not paying attention, when suddenly your ankle slips off the curb. There’s immediate pain, but it’s difficult to determine if it’s an injury that will go away on its own with a little RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) treatment, or if a visit to the doctor will be necessary. The best way to find out if you’re experiencing a sprain or strain that warrants medical attention is to consult with a physiotherapist. Contact BeActive Oakville Physiotherapy today!

Sprains and strains: what’s the difference?

That’s one of the most common questions people ask when they hurt a part of their body: is it a sprain or strain? While they may seem similar, the distinctions are actually easier to make than you may think. In order to know the differences between a sprain and a strain, you much first know the differences between a tendon and a ligament.

Tendons are strong, fibrous tissues that connect bone to muscle. Ligaments are similar connective tissues to tendons, although instead of connecting bone to muscle, they connect bone to bone.

A strain occurs when the tendons attaching your muscle to bone are stretched too far or torn. A sprain can be acute, meaning that it happens as an immediate response to an injury, or chronic, meaning that it has developed over time due to performing the same repetitive motions over and over.

A sprain occurs when the ligaments connecting your joints are damaged. This can affect your ankles, knees, elbows, or wrists. With a sprain, the joint is so violently twisted that the tissues are stretched or torn. The pain may be mild, subsiding in a few minutes or hours, or it can be more severe, requiring physiotherapy or even surgery.

How can physiotherapy help?

Physiotherapists are highly trained medical professionals in the field of movement. They can help you recover from your sprain or strain, in addition to helping you prevent further injury in the future. Physiotherapy is a proven and efficient way to provide relief, and in many cases it eliminates the need for harmful drugs or invasive surgery.

For a sprain or strain, physiotherapy treatments typically follow three steps. In the beginning, pain relief is the primary goal. Your physiotherapist will provide you with one or several pain-relieving services, such as ice and hear therapies, manual therapy, electrical nerve stimulation, stretching, or ultrasound.

After the pain has been managed, your physiotherapist will focus on healing the injury. He or she will help you regain your range of motion in the joint that was sprained, or will help strengthen the muscles that were strained.

Once your injury is healed, the focus will be on preventing future injury. Unfortunately, once you have sprained a joint or strained a muscle, you are much more likely to do it again in the future. However, physiotherapy can help prevent that from happening! By providing strengthening exercises, your physiotherapist will help you build muscle around the injured area, greatly reducing your risk for injuring it again in the future.

If you have a sprain or strain that needs treatment, give our Oakville, ON office a call today. We will set up a consultation with one of our physiotherapists for you, so you can discuss what treatments may benefit you. Don’t wait to seek treatment – find relief today!




Find Better Balance By Strengthening Your Core

Core strength training is a powerful and effective part of physiotherapy. Your core is comprised of a set of muscles that anchor your center of gravity. This allows you to maintain your constant balance, whether you are moving or standing still. By strengthening your core with physiotherapy treatments, you can improve your balance and correct any stability issues you may be facing. To find out more about how our core strength training treatments can benefit you, give BeActive Physiotherapy & Wellness a call today!

How do core muscles affect my balance?

Before you can work on strengthening your core, it is important to understand where your core muscles are located. Many people will be under the impression that they are exercising their core muscles when they are actually exercising their upper abdominal muscles. These are an important part of core strength, but they aren’t the exact muscles you are looking for. Your exclusive core muscles are located in your pelvis, hips, and lower back, along with the transversus abdominis muscles that make up the “pelvic corset.” These core muscles serve as your body’s natural stabilizers, making constant adjustments in response to nerve cells called “proprioceptors,” which give you your sense of spatial awareness.

As your core becomes stronger, you will be able to steady your balance much easier. When muscles are weak, it is more difficult to balance yourself from your center of gravity. This increases your risk for falls, and it can affect your arm and upper body movements. Back pain, difficulty in standing up from a seated position, and incontinence may also indicate an unstable core.

How can physiotherapy help?

Our practice will provide you with the tools, techniques, and skills required for helping you rebuild your core strength. At your initial evaluation, one of our experienced physiotherapists will evaluate your gait and stance, in addition to the function and development of your core muscles. This will help in determining where the weakness is centered and which muscles will need the most strengthening. After your evaluation, your physiotherapist will create a specialized treatment plan based on your needs, which could include any of the following treatment services:

  • Abdominal exercises. These may include situps, pushups, and crunches. Abdominal exercises help strengthen the abdominal muscles that work with your core.
  • Gentle exercises. Depending on the severity of your balance impairment, it may be best to start off slow. Your physiotherapist may suggest beginning with gentle and safe exercises, such as leg lifts or pelvic tilts. These types of exercises can help strengthen your back, pelvic, and abdominal core muscles.
  • Stability boards. Various types of physiotherapy balance boards have a flat surface and a curved underside. Standing on these devices and working to maintain your stability can greatly improve your core balance.
  • Tai chi. Tai chi is a slow-motion form of Chinese martial art. The poses and transitions done within this type of treatment can help your body develop the core muscles it needs in order to retain the necessary stability from one move to the next.

If you are experiencing balance impairment, don’t hesitate to give our Oakville, ON office a call today. Schedule a consultation with one of our physiotherapists and we will help you get steadily back on your feet as quickly as possible!




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