Custom Bracing

Do you want to be more active, but your joint pain is holding you back? A custom fitted brace can make a world of difference in enjoying daily recreational activities. Whether you just want to walk without pain, or engage in aggressive sports activities, a custom-fitted brace can give you the support you need.

Braces come in all shapes and sizes, fitting a variety of joints, including the spine. However, it is important to understand that generic braces are no where near as effective as a custom-fitted brace. A custom-fitted brace is fitted exactly to your body shape and size. As we are all made differently and our needs are different, having a specialist evaluate and fit a custom brace will give your joints the exact support they need.

What are custom-fitted braces are used for?

  • Relieving knee pain and providing support with walking or sports
  • Providing ankle support, which is especially important after injury
  • Low back pain to allow freedom of movement while providing support
  • Elbow and wrist pain with lifting activities or sports

To learn more about our large selection of braces, custom fitting and competitive prices, Contact Us Today at Oakville, ON Center request an appointment with BeActive Physio today. Your joints will be happy, well supported and allow you to enjoy the activities you love!

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