How to Make Your Stress-Related Headaches Disappear

Did you know that headaches are the third most common pain complaint throughout the world? They can impact your quality of life and make it difficult to function normally. Luckily, headache relief can be found through physiotherapy. Your trained physiotherapist will work with you to provide pain relief from headaches, in addition to any other aches and pains you may be suffering from. In this guide, we’ll outline the different types of headaches and the causes for them, in addition to explaining how physiotherapy can help.

Different types of headaches:

Any type of pain that occurs within the head can be referred to as a “headache.” Most headaches will resolve on their own without medical intervention; however, severe or recurrent headaches that interfere with one’s quality of life should most certainly be evaluated further. The challenge lies in identifying which type of headache you’re experiencing and then devising a treatment plan accordingly. Physiotherapists are adept at diagnosing different types of headaches and can develop  pain relief strategies for stress-related headaches.

There are 10 common types of headaches:

  • Stress (tension)
  • Post-traumatic
  • Migraine or sinus
  • Caffeine
  • Hormone
  • Exertion
  • Cluster
  • Rebound
  • Hypertension

What are stress-related/tension headaches?

Tension headaches are the most common type of headache in adults and older teens. They occur when the neck and scalp muscles contract or become tense, and they can happen at any age. Stress-related headaches generally start at the back of the head and progress to the top of the head and eyes, sometimes accompanied by facial pain along the jaw and cheeks. This type of discomfort has been compared to having hair pulled or wearing a very tight hat. These types of headaches can occur as a result of:

  • Increased stress.
  • Poor posture.
  • Neck or jaw problems.
  • Fatigue.
  • Arthritis.
  • Anxiety.
  • Depression.

How physiotherapy helps:

At your initial visit, your physiotherapist will conduct a thorough evaluation of your physical abilities, in addition to reviewing your health history. He or she will ask you a series of questions to determine the type of headache you’re experiencing. After your physiotherapist determines what type of headache you’re dealing with you’ll work together to develop a treatment plan for meeting your physical health goals.

During your first visit, you can expect to undergo some of the following:

  • Inquiries about the location of the pain, in addition to any other symptoms you are experiencing.
  • Questions regarding previous injuries to your neck, head, jaw and/or back.
  • Measurements regarding the range of motion of your shoulders, neck, and other relevant parts of the body.
  • Examination of your posture while engaged in different activities.
  • Tests of your muscle strength and sensation.
  • Manual therapy to ascertain the mobility of joints and muscles in your neck.

A physiotherapist’s mission:

While the end goal of physiotherapy is pain relief, there are some important steps along the way that your physiotherapist will help you with, in order to decrease pain and improve function. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Posture improvement. Your posture throughout the day greatly impacts your likelihood for pain and stress-related headaches. Your physiotherapist will teach you methods of improving your posture in order to function more comfortably in your daily life.
  • Strength improvement. You’ll learn exercises to help strengthen the muscles that control your neck and upper back, in order to improve posture and increase your ability to stand or sit comfortably for longer periods of time.
  • Neck improvement. Using manual therapy, your physiotherapist will stretch the muscles in the back of your neck to relieve pain and increase movement.

Different types of physiotherapy treatments

Your physiotherapist may suggest any combination of specialized treatment services, including but not limited to:

  • Heat or ice compressions.
  • Soft tissue mobilization.
  • Muscular releases.
  • Muscle energy techniques.
  • Body mobilization.
  • Cervical traction.
  • McKenzie-based therapies.
  • Stretching.
  • Strengthening.

With all treatment plans, you can expect to receive education that will supplement your in-office experience.

Persistent and life-altering headaches may not go away without physiotherapy. To experience long-lasting pain relief and improve your quality of life, contact BeActive Physio today. Our staff would be happy to talk with you and discuss how we can help you achieve a pain-free life.


Is Arthritis Paining You? Physiotherapy Can Help

If you have arthritis, you know how debilitating it can be. It affects millions of people and is the most commonly reported chronic illness across the nation. Arthritis is a disorder of the joints that causes them to become inflamed. The inflammation causes the pain and stiffness that you feel, and it can result in a loss of movement if the joints become too inflamed. There are over 100 different types of arthritis, containing monoarthritis (where only one joint is affected) and oligoarthritis (where multiple joints are affected.) Some of the most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis, which develops from “wear and tear” of cartilage, and rheumatoid arthritis, which develops from overactive immune systems.

Arthritis can hinder many qualities of life – from work, to hobbies, to overall mobility. Some people are so affected by arthritis that they are unable to work and have to go on disability. If you are suffering from the chronic pain of arthritis, call BeActive Oakville Physiotherapy & Wellness to schedule a consultation with one of our physiotherapists today. Physiotherapy is a safe, healthy, and effective way to treat arthritic pain.

How do I know if I have arthritis?

First and foremost, if you believe you may be suffering from arthritis, you should contact your primary care provider. He or she will provide a thorough evaluation, looking for signs of disease, such as inflammation and/or deformity. They will review your symptoms, and may administer any blood tests, urine tests, joint fluid tests, or x-rays as they deem necessary. If you are diagnosed with arthritis after these tests, your doctor will create a treatment plan for you, in relation to the location and severity of the condition. This treatment plan may include rest, exercise routines, and medications as necessary.

It is very likely that you will also be referred to a physiotherapist to help guide you through your exercise routines, in order to measure progress and make sure that you are completing your physical activity in a proper a safe and correct manner. Early diagnosis can be helpful in avoiding joint damage and disability, so it is imperative that you contact a doctor as soon as you think you may be developing arthritic symptoms.

How will physiotherapy help me?

While there is unfortunately no known cure for arthritis, there are plenty of ways to help ease the pain that you may feel from it. Physiotherapy is a proven aid in arthritic pain relief. It is effective and noninvasive, and in many cases, it eliminates the need to rely on harmful pain medication. According to the Arthritis Center at Johns Hopkins,

“Physical activity is essential to optimizing both physical and mental health and can play a vital role in the management of arthritis. Regular physical activity can keep the muscles around affected joints strong, decrease bone loss and may help control joint swelling and pain. Regular activity replenishes lubrication to the cartilage of the joint and reduces stiffness and pain. Exercise also helps to enhance energy and stamina by decreasing fatigue and improving sleep. Exercise can enhance weight loss and promote long-term weight management in those with arthritis who are overweight.”

A physiotherapist will custom-tailor a treatment plan surrounding your needs, in order to increase your strength, range of motion, and mobility. This will include the affected area, as well as any surrounding areas that may contribute to the pain. For example, if your arthritis is in your knee, your physiotherapist may create a treatment plan that focuses on the knee, in addition to the hips, ankles, and lower back, since all of these areas may affect the movement of the knee.

Your physiotherapist will most likely suggest manual therapy, in order to improve joint and soft tissue mobilization. Your treatment plan may consist of any combination of treatment services, including ice and heat therapy, deep tissue massage, or electrical nerve stimulation. All of these treatments are passive modalities that work to reduce pain and inflammation, in addition to increasing blood flow and mobility.

Our research-driven treatments will help you find quick and long-lasting pain relief. If you are suffering from arthritic pain, give BeActive Oakville Physiotherapy & Wellness a call today and we will help you get your life back on track. Our physiotherapy team is committed to your success, and we will provide you with everything you need on your journey toward long-lasting relief!


How to Solve Your Aches and Pains Once and For All

Do you ever wake up feeling stiff and achy, as if your body is being weighed down by a pile of bricks? Everyone wakes up feeling like this from time to time – you might have had a tough workout the day before, you might have spent an excessive amount of time on your feet running errands, or you might even be coming down with a cold. These are all common reasons why people might wake up feeling achy. However, if you find that it becomes a frequent occurrence, and there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason for your pain or stiffness, you may want to contact a physiotherapist. Stiff and achy joints may certainly be the product of a minor issue that can be easily remedied. In other cases, it could be due to a larger, underlying issue that a doctor may have to diagnose. Whatever the case may be, physiotherapy can help. Give BeActive Oakville Physiotherapy & Wellness a call today to see how we can relieve your aches and pains!

Why do I ache in the mornings?

Sometimes your joint tissues can become irritated from overuse throughout the day, without you even realizing. When you fall asleep, you are almost completely immobile for several hours, which can cause inflammation of the tissues to grow thicker and further irritate the affected area. As a result, you wake up in the morning feeling stiff and achy. In most cases, this feeling will begin to ease quickly, after you get up and walk around. This is because movement causes the inflammation to become liquid-like, allowing pain to lessen. A simple remedy to avoiding achy morning wake-up calls is hydration. Staying hydrated allows your body’s tissues to function at their normal pace, whereas dehydration slows down your chemical processes. This will keep your tissues from becoming overly inflamed, easing irritation.

What if it’s more serious?

If your doctor has diagnosed you with a more serious medical condition that impacts your joints and tissues, physiotherapy may be the next step. It is a common and effective treatment plan for pain relief that most doctors will suggest. Here are some of the most common ailments that can be relieved with the guidance of a physiotherapist:

  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Gout.
  • Bursitis.
  • Lupus.
  • Bone cancer.

All of these conditions can cause aches, pains, and stiffness. Physiotherapy treatment plans for these conditions will focus on helping you achieve a greater range of motion in your affected joints or limbs, in addition to providing pain relief. These work to improve overall function and help you get back to your normal mobility.

Tips for maintaining limber joints:

Your physiotherapy regimen will be dependent upon your specific symptoms and/or diagnosis. However, many physiotherapists will also suggest at-home remedies, in addition to your specialized treatment plan. Here are some tips that your physiotherapist will likely share with you on your journey toward wellness:

  • Sleep it off. Getting a good night’s sleep creates an endless cycle of benefits, especially when it comes to physiotherapy. Sufficient amounts of sleep will increase your ability to exercise effectively, which in turn will help you sleep better at night. Your sleep and exercise habits go hand-in-hand, and the results of one will always affect the other.
  • Eat right. Consumption of brightly colored fruits and vegetables can help alleviate pain. These healthy foods have more antioxidants and vitamins, which fight off the inflammation that leads to pain and irritation. A better diet also helps you to get better sleep and helps your body receive more benefit from exercise – thus, adding to the endless cycle of benefits.
  • Stand up straighter. Proper posture is a great way to avoid unnecessary aches and pains. If your work requires you to sit at a desk for long hours, or if you stay sedentary for long periods of time every day, try to get up every half hour for some light stretches. Relieve joint pain by moving around and keeping your circulation going. Try to avoid slouching or hunching at your desk, making sure that your spine is straight and your shoulders are back.

Physiotherapy can help:

You don’t have to be an athlete to work with a physiotherapist. In fact, you don’t even have to be in shape to work with a physiotherapist. Many people avoid physiotherapy due to embarrassment, but your physiotherapist will help you create a treatment plan for your specific needs, and he or she will never judge you. Rather, he or she will encourage and support all the achievements you make along the way! Most of the exercises and stretches that your therapist will recommend are simple to perform and don’t require any special equipment — and most of our patients are just regular people (not super athletes.) We would love to help you along your journey toward long-lasting pain relief. Call BeActive Oakville Physiotherapy & Wellness to schedule a consultation today, and we’ll help you solve your aches and pains once and for all!


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