Get Moving at Home! Tips for Achieving a Full-Body Workout During Quarantine

Just because you’re in the confines of your home during this time, it doesn’t mean you can’t still achieve a full-body workout. Yes, it is true that gyms, workout classes, intramural leagues, and the like are closed/postponed for the time being – but it is still important to remain active and get your whole body moving as often as you can.

While, like many of us, you may not have a home gym or the resources that a fully functioning brick-and-mortar gym may have, there is still plenty you can do at home – you just have to know the right exercises! For a full-body workout that will leave you feeling as if you just had your normal session at the gym or your workout class of choice, follow the exercises below.

5 full-body exercises to feel the burn at home:

  1. Dumbbell Wood Chops. Looking for exercises to do with your dumbbell at home? Dumbbell Wood Chops are a great full-body exercise to get you moving. Begin by holding the dumbbell with both hands above one side of your head. Swing the dumbbell in a controlled motion diagonally down across your body, toward your opposite hip. Use the power from your hip rotation to make this swinging motion. By engaging your back, shoulder, legs, and abdominal muscles, you can feel good knowing that you’re getting the full workout you’re looking for! 

Here is a video for your reference: 

  1. Running Man. Are you an avid runner or cycler? When quarantined at home, it can seem disheartening when unable to go outdoors and do the activities you enjoy. Exercises like the Running Man can simulate the feeling of those activities by focusing on the same muscles. Begin by lifting your right leg so that it is parallel to the floor. Bend your arms into proper running positions, with right arm bent in front of your torso and your left arm bent behind your torso. In one motion, extend your right leg so that it is behind you and lean forward with your torso, extending your right arm in front of you and your left arm behind you.

Here is a video for your reference: 

  1. Split Stance Side Plank with Arm Raise. Planks are always a good choice for working out at home, since they are easy to do and great at targeting several muscles at once. With these planks, you’ll be taking your home workouts to the next level! For the Split Stance Side Plank with Arm Raise, begin by lying on one side of your body, propping yourself up with your bent arm on that side. Lift your hips so you are in a side plank position, and lift your opposite arm to the sky. Hold this position for 30 seconds or until you begin to feel tired. Repeat these steps on the opposite side.

Here is a video for your reference: 

  1. Dynamic Hamstring Warm Up. It is important to stretch those hamstrings while you’re stuck at home to prevent them from becoming tight! This exercise will help you do just that. Begin standing up straight. Bend your right knee, and extend your left leg out in front of you so the heel of your foot is to the floor and your toes are to the sky. Bend your torso over your outstretched leg in a 90 degree angle, feeling the stretch in your left hamstring. Repeat these steps on the opposite side, making sure to alternate between each of your legs to get a good stretch on both sides.

Here is a video for your reference: 

  1. Dynamic Hip Flexor Warm Up Straight. This exercise is great for getting your body all stretched out either before or after a workout. It is easy to do and targets several muscles in your body! With this one, you will also begin by standing up straight. Place one foot in front of you in a slight lunge position and reach your arms to the sky. Arch your back and look up to feel the stretch in your back, shoulders, and neck. Repeat these steps on the opposite leg. This exercise is also very helpful to do whenever you are feeling tight or achy in your back, neck, or upper extremities!

Here is a video for your reference: 


As always, if you have any questions about these workouts or if you’d like to inquire about additional advice to get moving from the comfort and safety of your own home, don’t hesitate to call or message us. We are still here to help you reach your physical goals!

How Therapeutic Massage Can Help You Get Back in Game

If you are an athlete, you know the amount of dedication that it takes. Whether you’re preparing for a marathon, competition, recital, or big game, the amount of training and preparation is extensive. You have to train your muscles and tissues to perform in the ways you want them to, which can ultimately lead to pain and soreness. This is a minor setback, but it doesn’t change the fact that it temporarily impedes your training process. Therapeutic massage is commonly used in athletes whose muscles may have experienced extended periods of overuse. It helps in loosening up any tight areas and making recovery quicker and easier – so you can get back on track to accomplishing your end goal. Call BeActive Oakville today to figure out how therapeutic massage can help you!

Your soft tissues and you:

Your muscles are made up of many small, thin fibers that contract on command, working together to mobilize your muscle groups. These muscles are attached to your bones by connective tissues, called tendons, enabling them to move your body parts. Your bones are then connected by tougher bands of connective tissue, called ligaments, for added stability. Your ligaments are covered by yet another connective tissue called fascia. All of these connective tissues can be referred to as “soft tissues.”

Soft tissues help in mobilizing your joints and giving your body the strength it needs to perform tasks. Your soft tissues provide you with the ability to do many things; however, they also limit you from pushing yourself too far – even if that’s your intention. These can be damaged by certain stresses, especially those caused by the repeated actions within athletic activity. For example, “tennis elbow” or “golfer’s elbow” are both colloquial terms used to describe tears in the tendons of the elbow. They got their name from the repeated swinging action that tennis players and golfer’s do, making it a common injury that they experience. A tear in the tendon such as this can lead you with a significant amount of swelling and inflammation. Many athletes also experience sprains, which is caused by a ligament stretching farther than intended.

These may occur in response to the intensity of your sport, but they can also occur if muscles simply are too tight before you begin one of your workouts. Therapeutic massage can help with this, as it loosens up the muscles, and may even prevent some of these injuries from occurring.

How physiotherapy will improve your performance:

Therapeutic massage can be extremely beneficial for athletes, both before and after their training process. Your physiotherapist may also recommend other types of massage to complement your physiotherapy treatments, including:

  • Deep tissue massage. This type of massage loosens up your muscles and their connective tissues.
  • Myofascial release. This type of massage creates room for tissues that may be trapped by distortions or fascial adhesions, freeing them from constriction.
  • Swedish massage. This type of massage relaxes any stiff or tense muscles you may have, allowing for increased blood flow and fluid drainage from swollen areas.

Therapeutic massage promotes tissue healing, so you can get back to your sport of choice as quickly as possible. Sports massage therapy can also be used before you even begin your rigorous exercise regimen, targeting the specific muscles and tissues that see the most use for your sport. By working to mobilize, loosen, and relax these muscles before you train, you can help them stay limber throughout the process. This will decrease your risk of strains, sprains, and ruptures.

Your soft tissues work hard to make sure your body is functioning correctly, so it is important to help optimize their health and function. If you are an athlete looking for physiotherapy treatments, give our office a call to schedule a consultation with one of our physiotherapists today. We would be happy to discuss massage with you and how it will benefit your physical performance. Your sport is important to you – we want to help get you back in the game!


Physiotherapy: A Natural and Easy Solution for Shoulder Pain

Your shoulders are a complex part of your body – they are your most flexible and movable joints, consisting of multiple bones, muscles, and tendons. They provide you with a great amount of mobility, allowing you to perform many of your daily tasks, in addition to several exercise regimens. However, this also means that there are many ways that the shoulders can become injured, resulting in pain and lack of mobility.

Shoulder pain can be experienced due to a multitude of different causes, and there are several steps you can take to ease your discomfort. Physiotherapy is a natural, easy, and effective way to ease shoulder pain. To find out how physiotherapy can benefit you, give our office a call today!

Why am I experiencing shoulder pain?

There are several underlying causes that could result in shoulder pain. For example, a sudden injury or trauma to the shoulders can cause them to become painful. Repetitive motions can also cause shoulder pain, as your muscles, joints, and tendons are working in overdrive. Physiotherapy can treat several specific conditions that may be contributing to the pain or discomfort that you are feeling in your shoulder. Some of the most common conditions resulting in shoulder pain include:

  • Torn cartilage. When a cartilage tears, you may experience a number of painful symptoms. You may experience decreased strength and a limited range of motion in the affected shoulder. You may also experience pain when moving your arm in certain ways. If you are suffering from a torn cartilage, physiotherapy can provide relief.
  • Tendonitis. Tendonitis occurs when a tendon becomes irritated or inflamed. It can appear in several parts of the body, and colloquial terms such as “tennis elbow,” “swimmer’s shoulder,” and “jumper’s knee” are usually used to describe it. A physiotherapist can treat different types of tendonitis and relieve the inflamed area.
  • Strains and sprains. A strain occurs when a muscle or tendon is stretched too far or torn. A sprain occurs when a ligament is stretched too far or torn. Strains and sprains can result in an ongoing shoulder pain that may make it difficult to partake in exercise or even daily tasks. If the strain or sprain is minor, it can sometimes be iced at home and healed with rest. More severe strains and sprains will often require physiotherapy treatments.
  • Bursitis. Bursitis is an inflammation of the joints, and it affects the fluid-filled sacs surrounding the bones, muscles, and tendons. It often occurs in areas of the body that are used for repetitive motions. If you are experiencing bursitis, you may feel stiff or achy in the affected area, which could also become red or swollen. Physiotherapy can help ease the inflammation, as well as your painful symptoms.
  • Frozen shoulder. Frozen shoulder is a painful condition that typically occurs after extended periods of inactivity, such as being contained to a sling or cast after an injury. This condition will gradually worsen over time, resulting in pain and stiffness. It typically corrects itself after a couple years, but physiotherapy can help provide relief while you are recovering. It could also help to speed up the recovery process.
  • Arthritis. Arhritis is a joint disease that causes pain and stifness. There are several different types of arthritis, but the most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage between your bones begins to break down, causing the bones to rub together. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when joints become swollen and inflamed. For both of these conditions, physiotherapy can provide pain relief and mobility improvement.

How will I benefit from physiotherapy?

A physiotherapist works hard to provide improvement to your flexibility and range of motion, in addition to relieving the pain and discomfort you are feeling. They may implement any combination of treatment methods, such as cold and hot therapies to ease pain and increase mobility; massage therapy to relieve pressure on your muscles, joints, and tendons; or an exercise regimen to promote movement and healing of the affected area. Other treatment methods may include aquatic therapy, ultrasound, or electrical nerve stimulation.  

Whatever type of pain you’re experiencing, a trained physiotherapist can create a specialized program to treat your particular condition. Physiotherapy has been proven to help with several conditions, and in many cases it has eliminated the need for harmful drugs and invasive surgeries altogether. Contact BeActive Physiotherapy today to schedule a consultation with one of our physiotherapists, and get started on your journey toward long-lasting relief!


The Top 5 Benefits of Physiotherapy Treatments for Back and Neck Pain

Back and neck pain can have several underlying causes. For example, any changes in the spine’s anatomy can lead to back pain, such as lumbar degenerative disc disease, lumbar disc herniation, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, or osteoarthritis.

Lumbar degenerative disc disease occurs when the spinal discs experience “wear and tear,” typically due to aging. When the gel-like interior of the discs leak, irritation can occur causing lumbar disc herniation. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction happens when the sacroiliac joint has too much or too little motion, and osteoarthritis happens when the facet joints in the spine wear down and create friction.

Neck pain is most commonly caused by a muscle strain. This can occur in various ways such as whiplash, poor posture, or abnormal sleeping positions. Neck pain can also be caused due to cervical degenerative disc disease, cervical osteoarthritis, or a cervical herniated disc.

The pain associated with these conditions can range from moderate to severe, but physiotherapy can luckily help ease most (if not all) of the pain. If you are suffering from back or neck pain, contact BeActive Physiotherapy & Wellness to schedule a consultation with one of our skilled physiotherapists, and find out how physiotherapy treatments can benefit you.

How will I be diagnosed?

If you’re experiencing back or neck pain, it is important to consult with your primary doctor right away. He or she will most likely perform a physical exam, and may want to take some x-rays or a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test. With an MRI, your doctor will be able to clearly see your soft tissues, ligaments, tendons, and blood vessels, which can provide evidence of where your back or neck pain is stemming from. Once this is determined, your doctor will suggest a course of treatment, which will likely include physiotherapy.

Back pain and neck pain can lead to a loss of productivity, and it is a common cause for disability. Because of this, it is important to seek the assistance of a medical professional immediately if you are suffering from back or neck pain.

How will physiotherapy relieve my pain?

Physiotherapy is an effective treatment for both back and neck pain. The goals and expected outcomes of these treatments include:

  1. Reduction of pain and stiffness. By using passive treatments such as manual therapy, your physiotherapist will help alleviate pain in the affected area an accelerate the healing process.
  2. Development of strength. Your physiotherapist will create a specific exercise plan for your particular needs, which will aid in the strengthening of muscles in the affected area.
  3. Improvement of range of motion. Your physiotherapist will implement flexibility exercises into your treatment plan, which will help increase the range of motion in your back and neck.
  4. Prevention of further issues. By learning proper body mechanics, you can avoid future injuries and prevent pain from recurring.
  5. Improvement of overall quality of life. Physiotherapy can help you return to your normal routine much quicker, allowing for an overall improvement in quality of life.

Your physiotherapy treatments will be split into two categories: passive and active. Passive physiotherapy treatments for back and neck pain may include ice and heat therapies, massage therapy, electrotherapy, or ultrasound. These help in relieving pain, stiffness, and inflammation. Active physiotherapy treatments for back and neck pain may include any stretches and exercises that your physiotherapist deems fit for your specific condition. Active therapy helps to increase strength and flexibility, in addition to relieving pain in the spine and affected muscles.

Why wait to begin your physiotherapy treatments? Give our Oakville, ON office a call today and begin your journey toward long-lasting pain relief!


Find Better Balance By Strengthening Your Core

Core strength training is a powerful and effective part of physiotherapy. Your core is comprised of a set of muscles that anchor your center of gravity. This allows you to maintain your constant balance, whether you are moving or standing still. By strengthening your core with physiotherapy treatments, you can improve your balance and correct any stability issues you may be facing. To find out more about how our core strength training treatments can benefit you, give BeActive Physiotherapy & Wellness a call today!

How do core muscles affect my balance?

Before you can work on strengthening your core, it is important to understand where your core muscles are located. Many people will be under the impression that they are exercising their core muscles when they are actually exercising their upper abdominal muscles. These are an important part of core strength, but they aren’t the exact muscles you are looking for. Your exclusive core muscles are located in your pelvis, hips, and lower back, along with the transversus abdominis muscles that make up the “pelvic corset.” These core muscles serve as your body’s natural stabilizers, making constant adjustments in response to nerve cells called “proprioceptors,” which give you your sense of spatial awareness.

As your core becomes stronger, you will be able to steady your balance much easier. When muscles are weak, it is more difficult to balance yourself from your center of gravity. This increases your risk for falls, and it can affect your arm and upper body movements. Back pain, difficulty in standing up from a seated position, and incontinence may also indicate an unstable core.

How can physiotherapy help?

Our practice will provide you with the tools, techniques, and skills required for helping you rebuild your core strength. At your initial evaluation, one of our experienced physiotherapists will evaluate your gait and stance, in addition to the function and development of your core muscles. This will help in determining where the weakness is centered and which muscles will need the most strengthening. After your evaluation, your physiotherapist will create a specialized treatment plan based on your needs, which could include any of the following treatment services:

  • Abdominal exercises. These may include situps, pushups, and crunches. Abdominal exercises help strengthen the abdominal muscles that work with your core.
  • Gentle exercises. Depending on the severity of your balance impairment, it may be best to start off slow. Your physiotherapist may suggest beginning with gentle and safe exercises, such as leg lifts or pelvic tilts. These types of exercises can help strengthen your back, pelvic, and abdominal core muscles.
  • Stability boards. Various types of physiotherapy balance boards have a flat surface and a curved underside. Standing on these devices and working to maintain your stability can greatly improve your core balance.
  • Tai chi. Tai chi is a slow-motion form of Chinese martial art. The poses and transitions done within this type of treatment can help your body develop the core muscles it needs in order to retain the necessary stability from one move to the next.

If you are experiencing balance impairment, don’t hesitate to give our Oakville, ON office a call today. Schedule a consultation with one of our physiotherapists and we will help you get steadily back on your feet as quickly as possible!


Pre-hab: What It Is and Why You Should Do It

Are you in need of surgery in the near future? Do you have a physically demanding job or sport that puts you at risk of injury? Are your muscles and joints simply not what they used to be, becoming frail and weak? If you identify with any of these scenarios, you should consider preventative rehabilitation, or “pre-hab.”

Pre-hab is a form of physiotherapy that conditions the body to help it heal quicker after surgery, speed up recovery processes, and prevent injuries from occurring. Pre-hab can be split into two different categories: pre-hab for injury prevention and pre-hab for surgical recovery. For injury prevention, pre-hab focuses on the patient’s problem areas and works to strengthen them in order to protect against physical damage.  For surgical recovery, pre-hab is done before the patient even goes under the knife – making the surgery itself much easier, along with the recovery. If you believe this treatment could benefit you, call BeActive Oakville Physiotherapy today to schedule a consultation with one of our physiotherapists!

How does pre-hab prevent against injuries?

Pre-hab is a great resource for those prone to injuries, or for those at risk of developing injuries. To figure out where your problem areas are, you will complete a thorough evaluation with your physiotherapist to determine what your treatment plan will consist of. These typically include a combination of exercises, stretches, and pain relieving techniques that target areas where injuries are likely to occur. For example, those in the military are more prone to develop foot, knee, hip, and back problems due to the rigors of training and combat. Pre-hab can mitigate many of these injuries by teaching proper posture, effective core strengthening exercises, and correct lifting techniques that keep service members strong and healthy. The same can be said for firefighters, factory workers, and other employees in highly physical occupations.

Both pro and amateur athletes can also benefit from pre-hab treatments. Their treatment will focus on targeting poor technique and doing conditioning exercises to correct it. Their physiotherapists will also focus more on the areas of their body that are repeatedly stressed and overused by their sport, determining their likelihood of injury and creating a plan to reverse that likelihood. Physiotherapy treatments typically aim at mobility improvement and pain relief through strength and balance training. Pre-hab can help you improve your physical abilities in your sport or occupation, while simultaneously reducing your risk of injury.

How does pre-hab improve surgical recovery?

Many people fear the harsh recoveries that follow surgical procedures. This is especially true for anyone who has had a total joint replacement. Faced with the knowledge of time spent in a rehabilitation hospital, many people delay joint replacement surgery out of fear for the long, difficult recovery ahead. Fortunately, pre-hab can help significantly reduce recovery time. Did you know that by partaking in preventative rehabilitation, you can reduce your odds of needing inpatient rehabilitation by 73 percent? If you are stronger before surgery, you will meet your physical milestones much quicker after surgery, decreasing your recovery time by days or even weeks.

For example, patients who undergo total knee replacement surgery are typically expected to walk 500-1,000 feet 24 hours after their procedure. This may sound like a difficult task; however, those who participate in pre-hab before their surgery are much more likely to meet this demand than those who do not. Pre-hab provides patients with the stretches, strengthening exercises, and pain relieving techniques they need for a smooth and speedy recovery.

If you are interested in our preventative rehabilitation services, give our office a call today! We would be happy to discuss how physiotherapy could enhance your physical function and reduce your risk of injury. Schedule a consultation at our Oakville, ON office today to get started on the first steps of your treatment plan!


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