Physiotherapy: Treating Arthritis Without Drugs

Discover the Ways Physiotherapy Can Help You Find Natural Relief

Stiffness and discomfort don’t have to be a part of our daily lives — and yet many people assume that they’re doomed to suffer from arthritis pain.

If you’ve been losing more and more of your mobility and productivity due to chronic joint inflammation, you may be disappointed by the use of painkilling drugs or even alarmed by the potential dangers of such drugs.

Fortunately, you have a safer, more effective path toward arthritis pain management: physiotherapy.

How will physiotherapy help my arthritis?

If you want an arthritis pain management plan that improves your health without presenting you with the dangers of drugs, turn to physiotherapy. Our physiotherapist can examine your joints to see how advanced your arthritis has become and how it may be affecting your stance, gait or mobility. You’ll then receive a customized pain management plan that may include:

  • Physiotherapy techniques – You may benefit from massage therapy, cold/heat therapy or laser therapy.
  • Exercise – Exercise can aid arthritis sufferers by boosting circulation, easing inflammation, strengthening joint tissues and increasing range of motion. It can help you improve your balance, if that’s become a problem for you.
  • Lifestyle guidance – Your physiotherapist can recommend specific changes to your everyday ergonomics or lifestyle that will ease your pain.
  • Corrective devices – Your physiotherapist can recommend specialized insoles and train you in the use of devices such as walkers or canes.

What type of arthritis do I have?

Arthritis includes an entire family of painful joint conditions. For some individuals, it may take the form of painful gout in a toe joint; in others, it can strike due to a bacterial joint infection. The majority of arthritis sufferers, however, suffer from one of two agonizing conditions:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis – This form of arthritis is caused by an auto-immune disease or dysfunction. The same protective mechanisms that normally fight off disease germs decide to turn on your joints, treating them as the enemy and attacking them. This results in painful inflammation that may come and go, leaving joint swelling and deformity in its wake.
  • Osteoarthritis – This most common form of arthritis is usually a natural consequence of a lifetime of joint motion, coupled with certain changes that take place during aging. Healthy joints contain not only a lubricating fluid to keep the bone ends moving smoothly, but also a layer of cartilage that acts as a shock absorber and anti-friction component. Over time, however, the production of lubricating fluid can start to dry up, while the cartilage becomes thinner and more worn until it finally breaks down completely. This leaves you with pain, stiffness, and inflammation that usually feels worse whenever you try to move or put weight on the joint.

Many arthritis sufferers naturally turn to medication in the hopes that it will ease their symptoms. NSAIDs, steroids, and (and in the most severe cases) opioid drugs may produce such relief, but only temporarily. These drugs can’t address the physical problems that actually cause your symptoms; they can only mute the symptoms themselves.

What’s more, painkilling and anti-inflammatory drugs can pose significant risks if they’re used constantly. NSAIDs can damage the internal organs, while steroids may contribute to everything from cataracts to osteoporosis. Opioids can be extremely dangerous, not only because of their addictive properties but also because overdoses can (and often do) prove fatal.

Understanding the dangers of opioids

Both opioid prescription rates and deaths from opioid overdoses have quadrupled in the last two decades. Given these identical statistics, one can’t escape the obvious conclusion: Reliance on painkillers has gotten out of hand, and the consequences can be literally fatal.

In a study published by the American Physical Therapy Association, titled “Beyond Opioids: How physiotherapy Can Transform Pain Management and Improve Health,” this issue is exhaustively analyzed. It identifies three important waves of the opioid epidemic:

“1. Increases in deaths involving prescription opioids starting in 1999
2. Increases in deaths involving heroin starting in 2010
3. Increases in deaths involving synthetic opioids since 2013”

Beyond extreme physical risk, over-reliance on prescription painkillers can have other detrimental effects on your health.

Withdrawal symptoms can be harrowing. And while you’re still using them, opioids can lead to depression, which sets up a vicious cycle of self-medicating in order to feel better emotionally as well as physically.

Find relief today

Don’t just numb your arthritis pain – manage it a smart, safe, and effective way. Contact BeActive Physio today!

Finally Relieve Those Aches in Your Back with Physiotherapy

Find the Answer to Your Back Pains Today!

Most Americans will suffer temporary back pain at some point in their lives. When back pain is not temporary, however, it becomes a major quality of life issue. The American Physical Therapy Association states that back pain is the most commonly experienced form of pain for Americans.

In fact, one in every four Americans has sustained some sort of back pain in the past three months. The good news is that you don’t have to live with back pain permanently.

Taking a proactive approach like working with a physiotherapist can help you find back pain relief at long last. Contact BeActive Physio for more information on how physiotherapy can relieve your back pain.

What can I expect with physiotherapy for back pain?

Over the course of your work with a physiotherapist, your progress will be monitored to ensure that you are recovering.

The goal is to eliminate the back pain so that you can live a normal life. A big part of working with a physiotherapist is that you will learn strategies for movement and carrying out daily tasks in ways that will prevent the pain from recurring.

For example, your therapist will show you proper posture techniques while you are at home, at work or enjoying leisure activities.

You will also learn how to keep up a regular exercise regimen to keep your supportive muscles strong, which will prevent the back pain from coming back. If your weight is contributing to your back pain, you will learn nutritional advice in addition to exercise to control your weight and keep back pain at bay.

What do treatments look like?

Once your back pain has been diagnosed, a personalized course of physiotherapy will be outlined for you. Treatments for back pain will vary based on the diagnosis, your age, weight, physical ability and other factors.

Your course of treatment may include any of the following:

  • Posture work to provide better support for your back
  • Electrical stimulation for pain relief
  • Manual therapy and spinal manipulation to improve joint mobility and relieve tissue pain
  • Stretching and strength building exercises
  • Ice or heat treatments for pain relief
  • Education on how to take better care of your back, such as proper methods of lifting, bending, sitting, and sleep positions

How will a physiotherapist diagnose my back pain?

Your journey with a physiotherapist will start with a discussion of your symptoms. Your therapist will also review your medical history for any past injuries or illnesses that could be contributing to your current pain. Your physiotherapist will also conduct an exam to assess how you are able to move and function as a result of your back pain.

The diagnosis phase will also involve some tests to find symptoms of more serious conditions. If your physiotherapist suspects that there is a serious health condition contributing to your back pain, you will likely be referred to a specialist for more testing. In most cases, this will not be necessary.

So, why am I experiencing back pain?

Did you know that the World Health Organization estimates that approximately 149 million workdays are lost due to back pain? It is a sensation that is all too common for millions of people.

60-70% of people across industrialized nations experience back pain, which can greatly hinder daily life and limit you from participating in certain tasks and activities that you enjoy. If left untreated, back pain can also progress into more serious health issues.

There are three main types of back pain:

  • Chronic Back Pain: If back pain lasts longer than three months without subsiding, it is classified as chronic.
  • Recurrent Back Pain: This occurs when acute back pain goes away for a while, but then comes back periodically.
  • Acute Back Pain: Acute back pain is the most common type. This is a temporary pain that goes away in less than three months.

Back pain is usually not serious and will resolve on its own. Recurring pain and chronic pain, however, can be a sign of a more serious health problem.

There is a broad range of potential physical conditions that could be causing your back pain, which include osteoporosis, degenerative disk disease, a herniated disk, fractures, or lumbar spinal stenosis.

Get started today

The key is to be proactive in standing up to your back pain. If the pain lasts longer than three months, it probably won’t go away on its own.

Call BeActive Physio today to schedule your first appointment with a physiotherapist.

Have You Been Stretching? If Not, These 5 Reasons Will Make You Want to Start!

Add Stretching to Your Daily Routine Today!

Some people think that stretching is an unnecessary part of exercising. The truth is that stretching is a necessary component of exercise.

Can some simple physical motions dramatically improve your overall health, wellness, and quality of life? In the case of stretching, the answer is most definitely yes. Stretching exercises are a staple of physiotherapy for just that reason.

In fact, according to physiotherapists, stretching is an important part of one’s daily routine – whether you’re exercising or not.

What are the different types of stretching?

Stretching involves stretching connective tissue, a muscle or a tendon. The goal of stretching is to improve range of motion, flexibility and muscle elasticity. The five most common stretching exercises are:

  • Low Load
  • Static
  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)
  • Ballistic
  • Dynamic

Ballistic stretch physiotherapy is a rapid bouncing motion to stretch a muscle. Dynamic stretching by a physiotherapist entails stretching with motion at different speeds and distances.

These movements are performed in a controlled and slow manner. Examples include torso swings, arms swings and leg swings. Static stretch physiotherapy involved stretching the muscle and holding it for a few seconds.

PNF entails holding and controlling techniques to activate specific receptors in muscles. This technique improves muscle length and decreases muscle tension. The low load stretching technique is gradual application of tension to enhance connective tissue remodeling.

A physiotherapist will determine the best stretching exercises for your affected area and implement them into your treatment plan. They will also give you home exercises.

These stretching exercises may include groin stretches, quadriceps stretches, knee stretches, calf stretches and more. They will also show you how to do easy stretches with a towel at home. Knee stretches are very common in all age groups. That’s because knee injuries are common due to overuse or athletic injuries.

Activities like running and biking can result in tight quadriceps muscles. Keep in mind that tight muscles can predispose you to injury. If so, quadriceps stretches will be implemented into a treatment plan.

Improve your mobility with stretching

It’s quite common for a physiotherapist to prescribe various stretching exercises to individuals suffering from chronic pain conditions. Stretching takes on special importance when you’ve become less mobile due to issues such as osteoarthritis. The less you move your joints, the greater the likelihood that your muscles and connective tissues will lose some of their length.

This change obviously limits your joint motion even further and leaves you in even more pain. Stretches naturally support physiotherapy recommendations such as walking, heat therapy, or massage therapy in increasing blood flow to painful joints and widening your pain-free range of motion.

Chronic pain syndromes often involve tight muscles. Syndromes such as fibromyalgia and its cousin, myofascial pain syndrome, cause muscle knots that limit muscle motion and trigger referred pain to other parts of the body. Regular stretching can help you “untie those” painful knots.

PT and stretching

It’s important to make sure you’re doing the right kind of stretches before and after your workout. A physiotherapist can put together an exercise routine for your specific type of workout.

Whether you’re playing a game of tennis, training for a mini-marathon, or walking through the neighborhood, physiotherapy can help you make the most of your activities. A physiotherapist can guide you regarding which types of stretches are the best for your current physical condition and the type of activities you’re participating in.

It’s also important to make sure you’re doing the right exercises in the correct way. You’ll want to make an appointment with a qualified physiotherapist to learn what stretches are right for you. Physiotherapy can help you make the most of your workouts and improve your overall health.

5 more reasons why you should stretch

1. Stretching helps reduce muscle tension. It’s a therapeutic treatment by a physiotherapist. You’ll feel the rewards of stretching during your daily routine, walking or lifting.

2. Another benefit of stretching is increased blood circulation. Muscles require sufficient oxygen and nutrients in order to perform well. Stretching ramps up blood flow and transports oxygen and nutrients.

3. Stretching specific exercises prior to exercising helps the muscles to achieve maximum range of motion. It also helps strengthen the muscles. That is why during physiotherapy stretching is a main focus.

4. Stretching enhances joint range of motion. It enables the body part to move easier. For more dynamic movement, stretching increases muscular coordination. Some physiotherapy sessions focus on a muscle group instead of just one muscle for stretching.

5. Lastly, a benefit of stretching is heightened energy levels. The increased circulation increases energy levels. Learning to stretch properly will lead you to a more active lifestyle. “According to results of a new systematic review, moderate-grade evidence seems to support strengthening and stretching exercises to help ease chronic neck pain.”

Get started today

Whether you see a physiotherapist or not, stretching should be a part of your daily routine. You’ll feel better, perform better, and avoid injury. Contact BeActive Physio today to learn more!


Ready to Rid Yourself of Headaches? PT Can Help

Finally Find Relief for Your Persistent Headaches with Physiotherapy

If stress-related headaches are happening so frequently that they are impacting your daily life, it’s time to start thinking about physiotherapy for relief. Stress-related headaches, also called tension headaches, are the most common type of headache that impacts people.

While they are not as serious as migraines, tension headaches are a sign that something in your body is “off.” A physiotherapist can work with you to determine the cause and eliminate stress-related headaches for good.

How can a physiotherapist help with my headaches?

The ultimate goal of your physiotherapy regimen will be to eliminate your stress-related headaches. However, in addition to relief, you will gain additional benefits that will likely improve your overall quality of life:

  • Improved posture. Bad posture is really one of the leading causes of stress-related headaches. If you don’t enjoy good posture throughout the day, it is likely to lead to more generalized aches and pains, as well as the muscle tension that contributes to stress-related headaches.
  • Neck tension relief. You will have better range of motion in your neck and reduced tension, thanks to manual physiotherapy techniques applied to the muscles there.
  • Increased strength: Your therapist will teach you exercises to strengthen your neck and upper back, which will lead to improved posture. With better posture, you will be able to stand and sit longer without experiencing discomfort.

The many benefits of physiotherapy

The treatment of your stress-related headaches will depend in part on the diagnosis. For example, one course of treatment that would work for correcting your posture and strengthening the neck muscles might not be appropriate if your headaches are the result of a past injury.

In general, you can expect stretching and strength training to be part of your treatment. Other options that your physiotherapist might employ can include:

  • McKenzie therapies
  • Cervical traction
  • Body mobilization
  • Hot and cold compressions
  • Soft tissue mobilization

Aside from your physiotherapy sessions at the clinic, your therapist will also recommend exercises, stretches and lifestyle changes that you can make at home, which will all contribute to eliminating your headaches.

How else can PT help my headaches?

Our physiotherapist can help you get to the bottom of your headache problem.

If your headache is cervinogenic in nature, we may need to work on your neck. For instance:

  • Our physiotherapist can help you identify other migraine triggers and suggest strategies for avoiding them in your everyday life.
  • If your migraines are the result of a recent concussion, a carefully-administered course of physiotherapy can actually help you recuperate from that concussion more quickly.
  • Corrective exercises and postural/ergonomic changes can help you steer clear of “text neck” and other occupational headache triggers.
  • Laser therapy and massage therapy can both relax tight neck tissues and speed recovery to injured muscles.
  • Chiropractic adjustment can correct skeletal misalignment issues that place your neck muscles under unnatural strain. These adjustments can also help to reduce cluster headache attacks.
  • Exercises that strengthen and loosen your neck muscles can help to ease the stresses that set off your headaches.

Diagnosing headaches with PT

Before your physiotherapy treatments begin, your therapist will work with you to diagnose your headaches. You’ll need to discuss your medical history with the therapist. If you sustained an injury to your neck, back or jaw years ago, it could still be contributing to headaches to this day. The location where you experience pain, such as in the face, back of the neck or forehead, can also help to diagnose the source.

Your physiotherapist will likely run you through some tests as part of the diagnosis phase. For example, your posture will be checked as you engage in several activities. The strength of your muscles and the range of motion in your neck and shoulders will be tested. Your therapist might do some manual therapy to see how mobile your neck joints are.

Once the cause of your stress-related headaches is determined, a customized course of physiotherapy can be prescribed to treat them.

So, what’s causing my headaches?

One of the main causes of stress-related headaches is right there in the name: stress. The headache generally happens when the muscles in the neck or scalp become tense and contract.

Depression and anxiety are similar emotions to stress that can also lead to headaches. In addition, there may be a physical cause behind your stress-related headaches. An accident or injury to the neck or back can contribute to headaches. Poor posture and arthritis are two other potential causes.

Find relief for your stress-related headaches today

What are you waiting for? Stress-related headaches can be a thing of the past for you, after working with a physiotherapist to correct the problem. Contact BeActive Physio today to schedule your first appointment.

Manage Your Arthritis the Natural Way – With the Help of Physiotherapy

Arthritis Pains Don’t Need to Slow You Down Any Longer!

If you have arthritis, then you know all about the difficulties with moving and functioning in daily life that it can present. What you might not know, however, is that physiotherapy can help you find relief from your arthritis pain.

There is no cure for arthritis, but by using the exercises and techniques that your physiotherapist can teach you, the onset of arthritis can be slowed and you will experience less pain overall.

You have the choice for a safer, more effective path toward arthritis pain management: physiotherapy. Contact BeActive Physio and schedule a physiotherapy appointment today.

What can I expect from PT for my arthritis pains?

Physiotherapy visits are often short in duration. Your therapist will be focused on spotting problems with your physical function that are related to arthritis, and teaching you methods you can employ at home to relieve pain.

The way to actually achieve pain relief from your arthritis is to keep up with the teachings for the long term. The improvement will be gradual, so it’s important that you follow your physiotherapist’s instructions.

In order to help your physiotherapist to provide you with the best advice possible, think carefully about different physical goals that you might have.

For example, you might want to be able to do your daily job without straining your hips or knees, to reach things high up on a kitchen shelf, or to simply get in and out of your car without pain. Expressing these goals to your therapist will aid in ensuring that your treatments are as specific to your goals as possible.

Your physiotherapy sessions probably won’t need to be done on a weekly basis. Once every few weeks to monitor your condition and progress should be sufficient.

How do I know what type of arthritis I have?

Arthritis includes an entire family of painful joint conditions. For some individuals, it may take the form of painful gout in a toe joint; in others, it can strike due to a bacterial joint infection. The majority of arthritis sufferers, however, suffer from one of two agonizing conditions:

  • Osteoarthritis – This most common form of arthritis is usually a natural consequence of a lifetime of joint motion, coupled with certain changes that take place during aging. Healthy joints contain not only a lubricating fluid to keep the bone ends moving smoothly, but also a layer of cartilage that acts as a shock absorber and anti-friction component. Over time, however, the production of lubricating fluid can start to dry up, while the cartilage becomes thinner and more worn until it finally breaks down completely. This leaves you with pain, stiffness, and inflammation that usually feels worse whenever you try to move or put weight on the joint.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis – This form of arthritis is caused by an auto-immune disease or dysfunction. The same protective mechanisms that normally fight off disease germs decide to turn on your joints, treating them as the enemy and attacking them. This results in painful inflammation that may come and go, leaving joint swelling and deformity in its wake.

How will I benefit?

Arthritis attacks the joints of the body, so the goal of physiotherapy will be to restore the use of those joints and improve your ability to move around and engage in daily activities.

This will be achieved through a combination of exercise to strengthen the support structures around the joints, and teaching you how to move and engage in activities without worsening your symptoms. The exact course of treatment that your physiotherapist will prescribe will depend on how advanced your arthritis is and which parts of the body are impacted.

The physical exercises your therapist will teach you will be directed toward improving your mobility, range of motion, flexibility, and coordination. Your plan may include any combination of:

  • Environmental modifications: Your physiotherapist can make specific recommendations for additional therapeutic aids based on your type of arthritis. These can include ergonomic furniture or cushioned mats in areas of your home or at work where you tend to stand on your feet for long periods of time.
  • Treatments: Modern physiotherapy has a broad range of treatment options available to assist with arthritis pain. Hot and cold therapy can relieve the pain and stiffness in joints; braces or splints can help to stabilize and support arthritic joints; shoe inserts can relieve arthritis pain in the lower extremities; and so on.
  • Education: Sometimes arthritis in the hip or knee will require the use of assistive mobility devices, such as a cane or walker. Your physiotherapist will teach you the proper way to use these devices.
  • Posture: Your therapist will teach you various body mechanic techniques that will improve joint function and reduce pain. You will also be taught ways to use your strongest muscles and joints to relieve pressure on arthritic joints.

Get started today

If you are ready for relief from arthritis pain, contact BeActive Physio to schedule your first appointment with a physiotherapist.

What is Online Physiotherapy?

Are you experiencing pain that requires Physiotherapy treatment…BUT can’t go to the clinic?

You may be living in a remote area or stuck at home or afraid to go out due to current crazy circumstances. 

Are you trying different solutions to relieve pain or doing random exercises by asking Dr. Google?

Well, you’re not alone…

2 weeks ago, I got a call from a 36-year-old female, she was experiencing extreme neck and shoulder pain but due to working from home and babysitting, she was unable to come for Physiotherapy treatment in the clinic. 

She even tried some exercises, searched on YouTube and Google for things like: neck pain relief, solutions for neck pain, exercises for chronic neck pain. Of course, it didn’t help her but made symptoms worse. (The internet is a helpful resource but not when it comes to your individual health concerns!)

Due to all these, now she was very stressed out and confused (more about her in a minute)…..

Now, What if I told you that you can get help from a licensed Physiotherapist while you are at your home. Yes that’s right…

Online Physiotherapy

With online physiotherapy, you can get the best advice, exercises, and a lot more. I have helped many individuals like you with online physiotherapy.  


What is Online Physiotherapy?

It is meeting with your Physiotherapist, but via video call, just like Facetime or Zoom call! (Now, this is where the internet is very helpful!)

*These video calls are on a completely secure line to make sure your health information is not leaking out. 

Online Physiotherapy is also known as Virtual Physiotherapy or tele-rehabilitation. 

How does Online Physiotherapy works?

To do these video calls you can use your smartphone, tablet, or computer which can be connected to the internet. 

Just like your In-person visit you will be able to see your therapist, explain everything about your condition or problem. Your physiotherapist will be able to do a detailed assessment of it. 

And based on the information and findings, your therapist will create a custom treatment plan for you.

Throughout your course of treatment, you will also get a detailed explanation about your condition or problems, how to manage it, and most importantly, how to prevent it from occurring in the future.

Why is Online Physiotherapy Important?

It can play an important role in your care plan and recovery. It allows you to still receive the highest possible quality of care from a remote location.

There are numerous conditions that can still be treated and improved via virtual care, including but not limited to:

Tele-rehab is useful to provide you education regarding your posture corrections, ergonomic or works station design, understanding the do’s and don’ts of your problem. 

And sometimes you can use this tool as a stress relieving medium. 

Just like In-person visit, there are many benefits of Online physiotherapy:

  • Detailed Assessment
  • Custom treatment plan
  • Education regarding  your condition/ problem
  • Tips to manage your symptoms
  • Modified exercises
  • Posture correction
  • Ergonomic workstation advice 
  • Therapeutic product education
  • Live answering your questions
  • And much more

Most of the time, your problem can be solved by just speaking with health professionals. Your therapist can guide you about how to manage your symptoms without getting too stressed.

You may remember the 36-year-old patient that I mentioned earlier...

So, I offered her online physiotherapy and on the first video call only, I was able to find the root cause of the problem which was due to improper design of the workstation and lack of exercise. 

With proper education and exercises, within a few visits, her pain was much manageable!

And just like her, you can also manage and recover from your symptoms…

What are the Examples of Online Physiotherapy?

By now, you already know what virtual physiotherapy is and how it works. Now let me take you through some of the examples of it, which will provide you better understanding.


One of the key components of Tele- rehabilitation is to deliver you a simpler version of exercises. 

And making sure that you understood it correctly. 

Your physiotherapist will show you which exercises to do, how to do them, how many times to do it, and what to expect from these exercises. 

Not only that, your therapist will make sure that you perform all the exercises with them. Also, they can answer any questions that you may have.

Online Physiotherapy Exercise


Just like the exercises, education plays a vital role in your recovery. 

Every video call with your Physiotherapist you get lots of education. This can be in the form of knowledge about your condition and how to manage them effectively. 

They will also advise you regarding any therapeutic product that can help in your recovery

In most cases your therapist will give you posture education, as most issues arise from poor posture. 

Correcting them properly will not only reduce your symptoms but it will make sure you are preventing the same problem to re-occur in later life.

Online Physiotherapy Education

Ergonomic training: 

In this era of working from home has created many new problems for the back, shoulder, neck and other body areas.

As most of us are not used to working from home and no one was ready for it. Ergonomic workstation setup is very useful. 

Effectively setting your workstation will be the best gift you can provide to your selves.

Your Physiotherapist will not only provide you general tips for workstation, they will also look at your current setup. 

And based on assessment they will guide you on how to modify it and/or add additional components to it.

Online Physiotherapy Ergonomic training

So, no matter where you are, and what condition are you in, you will always have access to Physiotherapy via online. 

As you are here and reading this, you may be looking to get some help. And if you still have some questions and are not sure how online physiotherapy can be helpful…You can request a FREE virtual consultation with one of our physiotherapists.

Contact Us


1. How online physiotherapy differs from in-person service?

Actually both are very similar. Just like in-person service, your physiotherapist requires to meet all regulatory and legislative standards of practice and code of conduct. You will get the same high quality care as in-person care.

2. Is online physiotherapy safe?

Yes, Online physiotherapy is delivered through a secure, encrypted line. This ensures that your health information and privacy are not compromised during these online calls.

3. How would a physiotherapy assessment be conducted online?

Prior to this online call, you will be required to finish important documents online like intake forms, medical history, and consent. Doing this call, your Physiotherapist will go through your medical history, general health, the objective of this call, and your goals. From there, the therapist will conduct an objective assessment which is checking range, strength, functional movements.

4. Is online Physiotherapy covered by insurance?

Yes, the Majority of the insurance covers Virtual (Online) Physiotherapy just like your regular In-person session. If you have any questions specific to your insurance, feel free to give us a call.

Relieve Your Pain Without Drugs! Find Natural Pain Relief Today

Ready to Find Pain Relief Without the Side Effects of Opioids?

Pain is a serious problem in today’s world. It’s little wonder that painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs have grown into such a mammoth industry.

Unfortunately, these drugs offer their own share of troubles, from addiction to dangerous effects on internal organs. Many people are now seeking effective pain relief that doesn’t come from a pill bottle. If you’re one of those people, you need to know about the amazing pain-busting potential of physiotherapy.

Physiotherapists can help individuals manage pain, and greater use of physiotherapy could make a real impact on the tragic levels of drug abuse in this country—abuse that often begins with a prescription for pain medication.”

So, instead of turning to opioids, consider physiotherapy first!

Why you should consider physiotherapy for your pain management needs

Physiotherapy offers numerous advantages as a safe, effective, all-natural pain management tool. A physiotherapist takes each individual’s symptoms (and those symptoms’ underlying causes) into account when devising a physiotherapy plan for pain management. Your plan might include modalities such as:

  • A soothing combination of heat therapy and cryotherapy
  • Chiropractic adjustment to help joints move more freely and correct painful musculoskeletal imbalances
  • Electrical nerve stimulation to interrupt pain signals
  • Cold laser therapy and/or massage therapy to boost circulation, relax tissues, and reduce inflammation
  • Resistance training exercises to strengthen muscles, making physical actions less of a strain
  • Aerobic exercises to get the blood flowing and encourage joint lubrication

Physiotherapy appears to have one more major contribution to make toward freeing pain sufferers from their symptoms.

Some physiotherapists have adopted “brain-rewiring” techniques such as graded motor imagery to help patients develop a new perception of their pain – one that allows them to master and minimize their responses to it. This form of physiotherapy seeks to give individuals more control over their pain so that they can tolerate more exercise, which then reduces the pain even more.

Physiotherapy can do more than just help you feel better. By providing you with non-pharmaceutical pain control measures, this form of care can help you steer clear of the side effects of prescription and non-prescription drugs.

Better yet, you’re going beyond the temporary numbing of your symptoms by actually treating the underlying causes of those symptoms. Why settle for the illusion of relief when you can have the real thing — and improve your health and functionality in the process?

So, what’s so bad about painkillers?

A variety of over-the-counter and prescription medications promise to ease pain and inflammation temporarily. Steroids do this by suppressing the immune system for people suffering from painful auto-immune disorders (such as rheumatoid arthritis).

That same immune-suppressing power, however, also makes the body more vulnerable to infection. Long-term steroid use has also been associated with cataracts, glaucoma, hypertension, water retention, acne, high blood sugar and osteoporosis. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) block the production of inflammatory chemicals in the body.

These drugs aren’t necessarily safe, either. NSAIDs can cause stomach bleeding and kidney damage in some individuals. They have also been associated with elevated heart attack and stroke risks.

Perhaps the most ominous danger comes from opioid drugs. Opioids can deaden more than just pain. These powerful drugs caused over 70,000 fatal overdoses in 2017 alone. Some of these deaths may have been related to recreational drug use, but over 60 percent of the deceased were chronic pain sufferers.

Some important facts about opioids

Opioids are the most commonly used medication for pain management across the United States. Even though they are commonplace, they contain some shockingly harmful facts:

  • Opioids are a highly addictive substance and are the most commonly abused prescription medication.
  • Opioids are a highly dangerous class of substances. Heroin is among the opioid category, as well as prescription pain relievers like oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, and more.
  • More than 2 million people in the United States become addicted to pain medication every year, many of the medications being opioids.
  • About a quarter of heroin addicts began their addiction through prescription opioid dependency.

Contact us today

Our physiotherapist will be happy to create a pain management program just for you. Contact BeActive Physio today for a consultation!


Say Goodbye to Your Aches and Pains with Physiotherapy

Don’t Let Yourself Live in Pain Any Longer!

Whether you have recently started waking up with generalized aches and pains, or suffering from chronic pain for a long time, physiotherapy has been proven to be the best possible treatment method for you.

A sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, or an injury can all contribute to aches and pains. The bad news is that the pain is probably not going to go away on its own. The good news is that a physiotherapist can put you back on the right track and help get rid of those aches and pains.

Is your pain persistent?

Your physiotherapist will also work to educate you on ways to keep aches and pains at bay, by living a healthier lifestyle. This can range from advice on staying hydrated and enjoying better nutrition, to exercises and stretches you can do at home.

The goal is to get you to the point where you are motivated to stay healthy without the need for regular physiotherapy sessions. All of this will contribute to solving your aches and pains.

How will physiotherapy help?

Physiotherapy has a wide range of tactics and techniques that can be deployed to help with pain management. Here are just a few:

  • Cold laser therapy to release endorphins
  • Movement therapy and exercise
  • Joint and bone manipulation
  • Tissue massage
  • Manual therapy
  • Microcurrent stimulation to release serotonin

Within each of those categories, your physiotherapist has a lot of tools and techniques at their disposal.

For example, movement therapy and exercise might mean running on a treadmill, or working in a swimming pool. It all depends on your physical condition, the source of your aches and pains, and the treatment methods that are most likely to meet with results.

Diagnosing your pain with PT

Your first visit with a physiotherapist will involve a conversation about your symptoms and medical history, as well as some simple tests. Be prepared to answer questions about past injuries that may be contributing to your current aches and pains. Your diet, exercise routine and daily activities will also be discussed. This is to give your therapist an idea of the possible cause or causes of your aches and pains.

You will then be given a series of tests, based on your description of your symptoms. These will involve posture and range of motion exercises, and possibly some strength and resistance tests. When your therapist knows where you are experiencing aches and pains and has determined the likely causes, your personalized physiotherapy treatment plan will be drawn up.

If you’re noticing aches and pains in the morning, it could be your mattress

According to Spine Health, “Sleeping on the wrong mattress can cause or worsen lower back pain. Lack of support from a mattress reinforces poor sleeping posture, strains muscles and does not help keep the spine in alignment, all of which contribute to low back pain.

Sleep comfort is also sacrificed if a mattress does not match one’s individual preferences. A mattress that provides both comfort and back support helps reduce low back pain, allowing the structures in the spine to really rest and rejuvenate during the night.”

While the Better Sleep Council recommends replacing your mattress every 7 to 10 years, the way you feel in the morning is a better indicator that it’s time to replace your sleep surface.

If your mattress was once comfortable but now seems to be at the root of your aches and pains, it may be time to replace it. Physical changes like injuries, surgery and weight change can also change your body’s position as you sleep, necessitating a faster change in your mattress.

What could be causing my pain?

If you suffer from generalized aches and pains when you wake up in the morning, here is what your physiotherapist will tell you. Our bodies build up inflammation in the tissues throughout the day. This can be extremely subtle and you may not notice it, even by the end of the day.

But when we lie down and go to sleep, the inflammation can thicken and settle into your muscles. This in turn immobilizes your joints and can lead to aches and pains when you wake up. That same process repeats, day after day.

Eventually, chronic pain can set in if you do not make any lifestyle changes to correct the problem. This is why it is a great idea to contact BeActive Physio for a consultation, before the pain leads to more serious health problems.

Find relief today

If aches and pains are starting to lower your quality of life, it’s time to take that first positive step by calling our office.

Contact BeActive Physio today to schedule your first appointment with a trained and licensed physiotherapist.

Looking to Improve Your Physical Health? PT Has You Covered!

Physiotherapy Can Help Improve Your Health and Wellness!

Physiotherapy improves the physical health of people who have injuries, illnesses, and medical conditions. An individualized physiotherapy program is a conservative approach to managing these types of problems.

But it doesn’t do just that – it also improves overall health and wellbeing!

Evidence of the success of physiotherapy

Clinical studies support the benefits of physiotherapy for health conditions like osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is one of the ten most common illnesses. “Patients were recruited from the osteoporosis outpatient clinics of Klinikum Südstadt hospital and the University hospital of Rostock to engage in physiotherapy for osteoporosis.

Over a period of 3 months, 44 patients with osteoporosis completed a twice-weekly 30-minute intensive exercise program. The conclusion was that physiotherapy reduced pain and improved function, with the sling exercise patients benefiting most.

The combination of functional improvement and pain mitigation resulted in improved health. This study is just one of the many proving the health benefits of physiotherapy.

The 6 main benefits of physiotherapy

  • Decreased risk of heart and lung disease

Physiotherapy is a component of cardiac rehabilitation. To address pulmonary issues, a physiotherapist will help improve your health and quality of life through breathing, strengthening and conditioning exercises. physiotherapy also helps clear fluid from the lungs.

  • Help with conditions caused by age

With aging, the chances of developing osteoporosis or arthritis are increased. A physiotherapist is a trained expert at helping patients recover and manage age-related health problems like osteoporosis and arthritis.

  • Mobility improvement

With both passive and active treatments, physiotherapy improves mobility. Muscles are strengthened and flexibility is greatly improved. This way you can engage in activities and lead a healthy lifestyle.

  • Fall prevention and balance rehab

With physiotherapy, a physiotherapist will screen your risk for falling. Exercises will be given to improve your balance in real-life situations. Assistive devices will be given to ensure safe walking. And if you have a problem with your vestibular system, a physiotherapist will perform specific methods to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of vertigo and dizziness.

  • Possibility of avoiding surgery

When physiotherapy works to heal and reduce pain, the need for surgery is greatly decreased. “For some conditions, including meniscal tears and knee osteoarthritis, treatment by a PT has been found to be as effective as surgery.”

  • Pain relief

Manual therapy treatments like soft tissue mobilization, ultrasound, electric stimulation and targeted exercises help relieve pain and restore joint and muscle function. These types of methods also help prevent pain from coming back.

Passive physiotherapy vs active physiotherapy

Passive therapies

Passive treatments work to manage pain. The purpose of passive physiotherapy is to help manage and alleviate pain, so you can get back to the activities you love.

By eliminating pain first, the rest of your treatment program will be easier. Passive treatments are done first so you can focus on regaining your strength and function later on in your treatment plan.

Passive physiotherapy can include any combination of these specialty treatments, as deemed fit by your physiotherapist. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Manual therapy
  • Massage
  • Ice and heat therapies
  • Dry needling
  • Ultrasound
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Electrical stimulation, such as TENS Units
  • Iontophoresis

Active therapies

Active therapy focuses on targeted exercises and stretches in order to improve function in the affected area.

The purpose of active treatments is to provide exercises that the patient can do on their own in the later stages of their physiotherapy treatment plan. In fact, many active physiotherapy treatments are designed so the patient can perform them on their own, after their PT sessions are over.

Once your pain or discomfort subsides enough that your physiotherapist believes you are ready for active physiotherapy, he or she will set up an exercise schedule specific to your needs.

The exercises prescribed in an active treatment plan are all geared toward helping you gain back your flexibility, range of motion, and muscle strength. These exercises will help provide support to the painful area and will guide you further in your recovery process.

Discover the benefits of PT today

With physiotherapy, you get an individualized treatment plan to address your challenges, needs and goals. A physiotherapist will help you manage pain, improve chronic conditions, recover from an injury and prevent future chronic diseases.

A physiotherapist will also collaborate with other health professionals to ensure that you get the best of care. Patients are encouraged to be active participants in their treatment plan. All around, physiotherapy is designed to improve your health and help you engage in your regular activities.


Ready to Overcome Your Hip and Knee Pains? Give PT a Try

Move Comfortably Once Again with the Help of Physiotherapy

Do your weight-bearing joints feel more like pain-bearing joints these days? If you have a hip or knee that just can’t support your body weight without causing annoying aches or agonizing pains, you may be unable to perform your job, play sports, handle household tasks, or even find a comfortable sitting or sleeping position.

These limitations and frustrations might have you taking potentially risky painkillers or considering joint replacement surgery. Fortunately, many causes of hip and knee pain respond quite well to physiotherapy – the natural approach to pain management.

How can physiotherapy relieve my hip and knee pains?

Getting relief from knee or hip pain doesn’t necessarily involve the use of heavy drugs such as opiates or procedures such as joint replacement surgery. Physiotherapy can improve your joint function while also easing your pain and stiffness.

Our physiotherapist can prescribe exercises aimed at addressing your specific condition, such as:

  • Step exercises
  • Hamstring curls
  • Leg lifts
  • Hip flexion, extension, or abductor exercises
  • Mini-squats
  • Heel-to-buttock-exercises
  • Hip rotations
  • Knee lifts

Even an activity as simple as walking help preserve mobility and reduce pain in arthritic knees or hips. Our physiotherapist may also recommend that you receive heat/ice therapy, ultrasound therapy, massage therapy, laser therapy, or orthotic footwear to help normalize your musculoskeletal balance.

physiotherapy can help you reduce your daily pains

You may get pain relief when you are at the physiotherapist and going through treatment, but what about when you go home? A major goal of your physiotherapist is to heal your injuries over the long term.

The various exercises and treatments they use with you will steadily improve your condition so that you experience less pain on a daily basis. As your body gets stronger and more mobile, you are likely to experience less pain in your hips and knees.

What’s causing my hip or knee pain?

Your hips and knees do a lot of work over the course of a lifetime. These joints must withstand the majority of your body weight — not just when you’re standing still, but also as you walk, run, climb or jump. It’s not surprising, then, that a variety of ailments and injuries can plague the knee and hip joints.

Your pain and stiffness may be caused by:

  • “Runner’s knee” – An unstable kneecap can lead to chronic knee pain. This condition is known as patellofemoral syndrome or “runner’s knee.”
  • Strains, sprains and ruptures – The knee and hip joints can move thanks to muscles, tendons and ligaments. Repetitive motion or acute injuries can cause a strain (damage to muscles or tendons) or a sprain (hyperextension of a ligament). Athletes are vulnerable to ruptures of the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament).
  • Bursitis – Both the hips and knees have fluid-filled sacs called bursae that prevent friction between bones and soft tissues. Unfortunately, these sacs can become inflamed from overuse, a painful condition called bursitis.
  • Osteoarthritis – Osteoarthritis is a degeneration of the cartilage that normally keeps the bone ends in a joint from rubbing together. The resulting friction causes chronic pain and inflammation.

Various health or lifestyle challenges can worsen a case of hip or knee pain. Carrying extra weight is a prime example. A musculoskeletal misalignment or postural imbalance can place unnatural stress on a hip or knee. Lack of exercise can cause the muscles to weaken, setting the stage for chronic strain and joint instability.

Choosing physiotherapy over drugs

If your doctor has prescribed you pain relievers it is best to follow the guidance of your doctor.

However, you are welcome to discuss physiotherapy with your doctor as well.

If you find that your pain level has decreased through physiotherapy, you can discuss reducing your pain reliever usage with your primary physician.

Overcome your pain today

The sooner you seek physiotherapy for knee or hip pain, the better. Research shows that patients who rehab their hip or knee pain with physiotherapy within 15 days of symptom onset have less need for pain injections, medications, or surgical intervention.

Whatever stage of pain you’re in, it’s never too late to benefit from physiotherapy. Contact BeActive Physio to get started!

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