Balance & Gait Disorders

Steady Your Balance and Improve Your Gait with Physiotherapy

Do you ever feel unsteady, or not quite as sure-footed as you used to be? Do you find yourself having to reach for walls or furniture to steady yourself?  Do you experience pain in your hips, knees, or other joints that have changed the way that you walk? If so, you may be suffering from a balance or gait disorder. 

In Canada, the average cost per fall requiring hospitalization is approaching $30,000. Balance and gait disorders can be physically and mentally disrupting, developing for a variety of reasons. Underlying musculoskeletal and neurological disorders can cause or aggravate a balance or gait problem. Luckily, physiotherapy can help significantly reduce your symptoms or correct your condition altogether. For more information on how you can steady your balance and gait troubles, contact BeActive Physio for an appointment today to Achieve your goals by healing your pain permanently through our experienced therapists and proficient in-home physiotherapy located in Oakville, ON

Balance and gait disorders: defined

Balance and gait disorders belong to a family of functional problems that interfere with your positional awareness, your normal means of walking or running, and your ability to keep yourself upright. 

Balance and gait disorders are closely related, but they do have some distinct differences. Balance disorders are both physical and mental, as your brain may think you are moving, even when you are not. Changes to your joint strength, mobility, and ability to sense where your joints are in space (proprioception), all have physical consequences on your balance.

Gait disorders can cause abnormal movements to the way you walk and run, and these can become exaggerated with age. 

How do balance and gait disorders develop?

There can be many causes of balance and gait disorders, as they can develop from many different underlying conditions. For balance disorders, many are related to issues in the vestibular system, which is a delicate collection of fluid-filled chambers and sensory nerves, located in the inner ear, and thousands of nerve receptors in your joints throughout your body. The vestibular system is responsible for your sense of position, also known as “proprioception.” 

Some common vestibular conditions resulting in balance disorders include:

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). This occurs when calcium debris breaks off in the inner ear, causing issues with balance.
  • Neurological issues. This may include Parkinson’s disease, brain injury, or stroke. Anything that affects your neurological system can also impact your balance.
  • Injury or ailment. Even if your brain and nervous system are working in harmony with one another, a sudden injury, disease, or other ailment causing muscle weakness can interfere with your balance and make it difficult to keep yourself upright. 

How will physiotherapy help with my balance or gait disorder?

When it comes to improving your balance and ability to walk, physiotherapy is the best possible option. Our specialized physiotherapists in Oakville, ON area, will conduct a comprehensive physical evaluation to examine your balance, gait, stance, medical history, and symptoms, before creating a personalized treatment plan deemed for your specific needs. This treatment plan may include:

  • Strengthening exercises. Your evaluation will help determine what problem areas in your body may need help. Your physiotherapist will provide you with strengthening exercises that will build up your muscles, thus making it much easier for you to move around and reduce your risk of injury.
  • Stretches. Stretching will help improve your flexibility and your range of motion. This will give you more control and quicker reactions with your movements, also reducing your risk of injury. It will also keep your muscles from becoming too tight and stiff.
  • Vestibular rehabilitation. This physiotherapy treatment works to improve your vision, nerves, muscles, and the vestibular system as a whole, in order to maintain a steady balance. If you are suffering from BPPV, our Oakville, ON physiotherapists will provide you with specific exercises that will move the calcium debris to the correct parts of your ear.
  • Gait retraining exercises. Sometimes, abnormalities in gait can be corrected through a “retraining” where you learn proper techniques. 

If you are suffering from a balance or gait disorder, Contact BeActive Physio Today at Oakville, ON Center to schedule an appointment with one of our dedicated physiotherapists. We’ll help you feel steady on your feet in no time!

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