Say NO to Opioids and YES to Physiotherapy!

We’re all aware of the opioid crisis plaguing the nation. It’s scary – it’s as if every time we turn on the news, we hear another story about the epidemic. In 2016 alone, opioid overdose claimed the lives of 116 people each day. Approximately 11.5 million people in the United States misused the painkilling drugs they were prescribed, costing an estimated $504 million in economic costs. According to researchers, it is believed that numerous people are even being denied jobs due to a failure to pass opioid-free drug tests.

As frightening as this sounds, for some people the pain relief from opioids may seem like the only option. However, physiotherapy has been a proven method for providing long-lasting pain relief – without the risks of harmful drugs. Contact BeActive Oakville Physiotherapy today to find out how you can rid yourself of opioids and start on a natural, easy, and beneficial pain-relief plan!

The risk of opioids:

It may be difficult to understand why opioids are so dangerous for so many people – to understand, you have to know that the processing of pain goes deeper than what you feel physically. Much of the pain you feel is processed by your brain.

For example, every time you stub your toe on a coffee table, pain receptors are sent to your brain. You feel the physical pain, and as a response, your brain releases chemicals to try and ease it. These chemicals act as natural opioids by slowing your breathing, blocking the pain signals, and bringing you back to a state of well-being.

However, if you are suffering from chronic pain, surgical recovery, or a severe injury/trauma, your brain cannot produce enough opioids to keep up with the demand for pain relief. Because of this, pain-killing medications are often prescribed. Prescription medication mimics the chemicals your body naturally produces, acting to relieve pain – but it does not help your body heal. Since your condition will remain the same without an alternative form of treatment, people often feel as if they need to take higher doses as their bodies become used to the drug. This is the main reason why overdoses occur.

The benefits of physiotherapy:

With physiotherapy, you will not only find ways to relieve your pain, but also ways to improve your overall function. Physiotherapists work hard to get to the root of your problem, in order to correct it. Unlike opioids, physiotherapy helps to enhance the healing of your body – providing long-term relief, as opposed to short-term.

Your physiotherapist will employ a series of treatments for your condition, which may include ice and heat therapies, manual therapy, stretches, or ultrasound. Your treatment plan will also address strength, flexibility, and overall mobility, in order to get you back to your normal physical function.

Over 116 million people struggle with chronic pain, which greatly hinders their abilities to stand, walk, run, work, and move as they wish. Your physiotherapist will address all of these functions and will work with you to get you back where you want to be. One of the main goals of physiotherapy is to improve overall quality of life, which your physiotherapist will be dedicated to helping you achieve.

Saying yes to physiotherapy:

Opioids mask pain without treating the underlying cause of it. Physiotherapy not only helps with relieving pain, but also addresses the condition that is causing the pain in the first place. A physiotherapist is a medical professional, trained in the science of movement. Through advanced diagnostic procedures, your physiotherapist can uncover the source of your pain and find ways to address it for long-term health and mobility.

The effects of physiotherapy also don’t stop with the body – it helps to improve your mental health, as well.  Chronic pain and prescription pain medication use can lead to depression, anxiety, and isolation. Physiotherapy will help get your body moving and working normally again, releasing feel-good chemicals called endorphins. Working with a physiotherapist will also give you a partner in your pain relief journey. This sense of community can help address the mental toll pain takes on a person, in a way that opioids cannot.

Physiotherapy is a drug-free way to manage your pain while improving your health. Pain medication may seem like a simple solution, but the risks far outweigh the benefits. Don’t let yourself be a part of the opioid epidemic. If you are ready to say NO to opioids and YES to physiotherapy, call our Oakville, ON office to schedule a consultation with a physiotherapist today! They would be more than happy to discuss how they can help you achieve a full, pain-free, and functional life.


The Top 5 Benefits of Physiotherapy Treatments for Back and Neck Pain

Back and neck pain can have several underlying causes. For example, any changes in the spine’s anatomy can lead to back pain, such as lumbar degenerative disc disease, lumbar disc herniation, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, or osteoarthritis.

Lumbar degenerative disc disease occurs when the spinal discs experience “wear and tear,” typically due to aging. When the gel-like interior of the discs leak, irritation can occur causing lumbar disc herniation. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction happens when the sacroiliac joint has too much or too little motion, and osteoarthritis happens when the facet joints in the spine wear down and create friction.

Neck pain is most commonly caused by a muscle strain. This can occur in various ways such as whiplash, poor posture, or abnormal sleeping positions. Neck pain can also be caused due to cervical degenerative disc disease, cervical osteoarthritis, or a cervical herniated disc.

The pain associated with these conditions can range from moderate to severe, but physiotherapy can luckily help ease most (if not all) of the pain. If you are suffering from back or neck pain, contact BeActive Physiotherapy & Wellness to schedule a consultation with one of our skilled physiotherapists, and find out how physiotherapy treatments can benefit you.

How will I be diagnosed?

If you’re experiencing back or neck pain, it is important to consult with your primary doctor right away. He or she will most likely perform a physical exam, and may want to take some x-rays or a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test. With an MRI, your doctor will be able to clearly see your soft tissues, ligaments, tendons, and blood vessels, which can provide evidence of where your back or neck pain is stemming from. Once this is determined, your doctor will suggest a course of treatment, which will likely include physiotherapy.

Back pain and neck pain can lead to a loss of productivity, and it is a common cause for disability. Because of this, it is important to seek the assistance of a medical professional immediately if you are suffering from back or neck pain.

How will physiotherapy relieve my pain?

Physiotherapy is an effective treatment for both back and neck pain. The goals and expected outcomes of these treatments include:

  1. Reduction of pain and stiffness. By using passive treatments such as manual therapy, your physiotherapist will help alleviate pain in the affected area an accelerate the healing process.
  2. Development of strength. Your physiotherapist will create a specific exercise plan for your particular needs, which will aid in the strengthening of muscles in the affected area.
  3. Improvement of range of motion. Your physiotherapist will implement flexibility exercises into your treatment plan, which will help increase the range of motion in your back and neck.
  4. Prevention of further issues. By learning proper body mechanics, you can avoid future injuries and prevent pain from recurring.
  5. Improvement of overall quality of life. Physiotherapy can help you return to your normal routine much quicker, allowing for an overall improvement in quality of life.

Your physiotherapy treatments will be split into two categories: passive and active. Passive physiotherapy treatments for back and neck pain may include ice and heat therapies, massage therapy, electrotherapy, or ultrasound. These help in relieving pain, stiffness, and inflammation. Active physiotherapy treatments for back and neck pain may include any stretches and exercises that your physiotherapist deems fit for your specific condition. Active therapy helps to increase strength and flexibility, in addition to relieving pain in the spine and affected muscles.

Why wait to begin your physiotherapy treatments? Give our Oakville, ON office a call today and begin your journey toward long-lasting pain relief!


Find Better Balance By Strengthening Your Core

Core strength training is a powerful and effective part of physiotherapy. Your core is comprised of a set of muscles that anchor your center of gravity. This allows you to maintain your constant balance, whether you are moving or standing still. By strengthening your core with physiotherapy treatments, you can improve your balance and correct any stability issues you may be facing. To find out more about how our core strength training treatments can benefit you, give BeActive Physiotherapy & Wellness a call today!

How do core muscles affect my balance?

Before you can work on strengthening your core, it is important to understand where your core muscles are located. Many people will be under the impression that they are exercising their core muscles when they are actually exercising their upper abdominal muscles. These are an important part of core strength, but they aren’t the exact muscles you are looking for. Your exclusive core muscles are located in your pelvis, hips, and lower back, along with the transversus abdominis muscles that make up the “pelvic corset.” These core muscles serve as your body’s natural stabilizers, making constant adjustments in response to nerve cells called “proprioceptors,” which give you your sense of spatial awareness.

As your core becomes stronger, you will be able to steady your balance much easier. When muscles are weak, it is more difficult to balance yourself from your center of gravity. This increases your risk for falls, and it can affect your arm and upper body movements. Back pain, difficulty in standing up from a seated position, and incontinence may also indicate an unstable core.

How can physiotherapy help?

Our practice will provide you with the tools, techniques, and skills required for helping you rebuild your core strength. At your initial evaluation, one of our experienced physiotherapists will evaluate your gait and stance, in addition to the function and development of your core muscles. This will help in determining where the weakness is centered and which muscles will need the most strengthening. After your evaluation, your physiotherapist will create a specialized treatment plan based on your needs, which could include any of the following treatment services:

  • Abdominal exercises. These may include situps, pushups, and crunches. Abdominal exercises help strengthen the abdominal muscles that work with your core.
  • Gentle exercises. Depending on the severity of your balance impairment, it may be best to start off slow. Your physiotherapist may suggest beginning with gentle and safe exercises, such as leg lifts or pelvic tilts. These types of exercises can help strengthen your back, pelvic, and abdominal core muscles.
  • Stability boards. Various types of physiotherapy balance boards have a flat surface and a curved underside. Standing on these devices and working to maintain your stability can greatly improve your core balance.
  • Tai chi. Tai chi is a slow-motion form of Chinese martial art. The poses and transitions done within this type of treatment can help your body develop the core muscles it needs in order to retain the necessary stability from one move to the next.

If you are experiencing balance impairment, don’t hesitate to give our Oakville, ON office a call today. Schedule a consultation with one of our physiotherapists and we will help you get steadily back on your feet as quickly as possible!


Discover How You Can Become Healthier, Stronger, and More Active With Physiotherapy

A healthy, strong, and active lifestyle is what everyone strives for. However, it is not always easy to obtain, especially for those suffering from chronic pain. The very thought of going out and exercising with your aches and pains may leave you feeling uncomfortable. However, there is fortunately a simpler solution to gaining the active lifestyle you desire. Physiotherapy can help you achieve optimum levels of health and fitness, all while reducing your pain. If you are looking for a healthier, stronger, and more active lifestyle, contact BeActive Physiotherapy & Wellness today!

How do I begin?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle takes work, but once you get into the groove of it, it becomes much easier. For example, eating nutritious foods is one of the easiest ways to improve your health (although we know those sweets are hard to kick.) Physical activity is the hardest aspect to get in the habit of doing, especially if you are being held back by chronic pain. Some people try to mask their symptoms with anti-inflammatory or pain-relieving medications, while others unfortunately give up on the idea of being active all together. Luckily, there is an alternative option: physiotherapy.  With the help of a physiotherapist, it is possible to reclaim your pain-free, healthy lifestyle, and get back to doing the activities you love.

What exactly is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is generally comprised of three important phases: pain relief, strengthening, and functional integration. Some people are apprehensive toward physiotherapy because they believe it will hurt them; however, the opposite is usually true. Physiotherapy is aimed at pain relief and strengthening, and your physiotherapist will make sure that your treatment plan won’t bring you any pain or discomfort. This is achieved through several treatment services, such as ice and heat therapies, stretching, bracing, and ultrasound.

An active lifestyle is also dependent upon movement. Your physiotherapist will cater your treatment plan around specific movements designed to increase your strength, flexibility, balance, and overall mobility. He or she will assist you with many of these exercises, but will also provide some simple ones that can be done at home.

The end result of physiotherapy is living the life you want, free from painful limitations. That can only happen when you apply the concepts you learn from your treatments to the outside world. Your physiotherapist is as dedicated as you are, and will encourage you to achieve all the goals you set forth in the beginning.

How will physiotherapy help me?

The purpose of physiotherapy remains the same, no matter what you are seeking its services for. Perhaps you are still suffering from the lingering pain of an injury. Perhaps you are recovering from a surgery and trying to get your range of motion back. Perhaps your joints simply aren’t what they used to be, and you are looking for relief. Whatever the case may be, physiotherapists are dedicated to relieving your pain and getting you back to your peak level of physical health.

A physiotherapist is a movement specialist, educated in analyzing mobility issues with walking, running, jumping, bending, stretching, and almost every other form of physical activity. Your physiotherapist can pinpoint problem areas and create a customized treatment plan aimed at improving those areas. Through in-office sessions and at-home exercises, patients strengthen their muscles and joints, improve their balance, build endurance, and experience pain relief, all without the unwanted harmful risks of drugs or surgery.

What should I expect?

Everyone has different needs based on the conditions of their bodies. There is no cookie-cutter approach to health and wellness, as one treatment plan may not work the same for one person as it would for another. Your physiotherapist will work closely with you to evaluate your mobility, balance, range of motion, and severity of pain. Your physical goals will also be taken into account when creating your treatment plan, as well as any health risks that may be holding you back. At your initial evaluation, you may be asked to perform basic movements, such as sitting down, standing up, walking, lifting, stretching, or other motions. Once your physiotherapist has a clear picture of what you need, he or she will begin constructing a treatment plan to help relieve your pain and achieve your goals.

In the end, an active lifestyle is more than possible, even if you struggle with chronic pain. If you are looking to improve your health, strength, and physical activity, look no further – we are here to help. Contact our Oakville, ON office today and get started on your journey toward better health and wellness!


The 5 Simple Steps to Relieving Pain and Increasing Energy

Pain can be extremely limiting, as it can hold you back from many of the physical activities you’d like to do. However, there are luckily some quick and effective ways to relieve your pain and increase your energy, so you can get back to doing the physical activities you love. By incorporating physiotherapy into your physical routine, you can achieve your goals as fast and painlessly as you’ve always dreamed! Call BeActive Physiotherapy & Wellness today to find out more about how our physiotherapy services can help you.

1. Eat the right foods.

The food you eat is what fuels you throughout the day. Certain foods can provide you with more energy, in addition to relieving the pain you feel. A few of these include:

  • Salmon. Salmon provides omega-3 fatty acids, which help to relieve neck, back, and joint pain.
  • Ginger. The ginger plant has been known to relieve pain from migraines, as well as muscle aches and nausea. It is typically used as a spice and can be easily sprinkled into a meal.
  • Cherries. Cherries increase antioxidants, which can relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Hot peppers. This spicy treat has been known to relieve arthritis pain. Even if you aren’t a fan of the spice, a serving as small as half a teaspoon could help bring some relief.

2. Look at what you’re sleeping on.

Did you know that approximately ⅓ of your life is spent sleeping? Because of this, it is important to make sure that your mattress is right for you. The mattress you sleep on can affect the way your body feels when it’s awake. Since everyone sleeps differently, it is recommended that you choose a mattress according to your sleep style:

  • Soft mattress. Side sleepers generally benefit from a softer mattress, as it is easier on their sides.
  • Firm mattress. If you sleep on your back, a medium-to-firm mattress will help with those backaches.
  • Memory foam. If you toss and turn all night, or if you switch positions repeatedly, you may want to try out memory foam. It may help you stay in one place, as it forms to the shape of your body.

3. Boost your endorphins.

When you exercise, your body releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins, which act as natural pain relievers. It may seem difficult to exercise when you are experiencing aches and pains, but even light movement can provide much-needed relief. You can also boost your endorphins by sniffing a soothing lavender scent, listening to your favorite music, or even eating chocolate. Win/win!

4. Minimize your stress.

While we are aware of the mental toll that stress can take on us, it can also exaggerate physical pain as well. Because of this, it is important to keep some stress-relieving techniques at the back of your mind for when you need them. A warm bath is a great way to simultaneously relieve stress and soothe any aching muscles or joints. Breathing techniques can also help you relax by calming your mind and body. A simple way to do this is to take in two or three deep breaths, releasing them slowly through your nose every time.

5. Visit your physiotherapist.

There are several advanced methods that trained physiotherapists can provide for you, in order to relieve your pain and increase your energy. These physiotherapy treatments address pain at its source, providing long-lasting relief. Some of the specific treatments that a physiotherapist might use include:

  • Ice and heat therapies. Heat works to warm the muscles and tendons, making movement easier and less painful. Ice works to reduce inflammation, also providing soothing pain relief.
  • Massage therapy. A physiotherapist is highly educated on painful areas of the body. Through massage, he or she can manipulate your painful muscles and joints, thus reducing inflammation and providing relief.
  • Ultrasound. Ultrasound produces sound waves that can assist in blocking pain signals to the brain.
  • Aquatic therapy. Water can stimulate nerves and provide resistance for exercise and strength training. It allows for easier movement, which can ease the stress on your body.

These simple steps can greatly enhance your daily routine by reducing your pain and increasing your energy level. If you are interested in learning more information about how you can improve your daily life and find long-lasting pain relief, contact our Oakville, ON office today! We’ll help you get to your best level of physical function.


Pre-hab: What It Is and Why You Should Do It

Are you in need of surgery in the near future? Do you have a physically demanding job or sport that puts you at risk of injury? Are your muscles and joints simply not what they used to be, becoming frail and weak? If you identify with any of these scenarios, you should consider preventative rehabilitation, or “pre-hab.”

Pre-hab is a form of physiotherapy that conditions the body to help it heal quicker after surgery, speed up recovery processes, and prevent injuries from occurring. Pre-hab can be split into two different categories: pre-hab for injury prevention and pre-hab for surgical recovery. For injury prevention, pre-hab focuses on the patient’s problem areas and works to strengthen them in order to protect against physical damage.  For surgical recovery, pre-hab is done before the patient even goes under the knife – making the surgery itself much easier, along with the recovery. If you believe this treatment could benefit you, call BeActive Oakville Physiotherapy today to schedule a consultation with one of our physiotherapists!

How does pre-hab prevent against injuries?

Pre-hab is a great resource for those prone to injuries, or for those at risk of developing injuries. To figure out where your problem areas are, you will complete a thorough evaluation with your physiotherapist to determine what your treatment plan will consist of. These typically include a combination of exercises, stretches, and pain relieving techniques that target areas where injuries are likely to occur. For example, those in the military are more prone to develop foot, knee, hip, and back problems due to the rigors of training and combat. Pre-hab can mitigate many of these injuries by teaching proper posture, effective core strengthening exercises, and correct lifting techniques that keep service members strong and healthy. The same can be said for firefighters, factory workers, and other employees in highly physical occupations.

Both pro and amateur athletes can also benefit from pre-hab treatments. Their treatment will focus on targeting poor technique and doing conditioning exercises to correct it. Their physiotherapists will also focus more on the areas of their body that are repeatedly stressed and overused by their sport, determining their likelihood of injury and creating a plan to reverse that likelihood. Physiotherapy treatments typically aim at mobility improvement and pain relief through strength and balance training. Pre-hab can help you improve your physical abilities in your sport or occupation, while simultaneously reducing your risk of injury.

How does pre-hab improve surgical recovery?

Many people fear the harsh recoveries that follow surgical procedures. This is especially true for anyone who has had a total joint replacement. Faced with the knowledge of time spent in a rehabilitation hospital, many people delay joint replacement surgery out of fear for the long, difficult recovery ahead. Fortunately, pre-hab can help significantly reduce recovery time. Did you know that by partaking in preventative rehabilitation, you can reduce your odds of needing inpatient rehabilitation by 73 percent? If you are stronger before surgery, you will meet your physical milestones much quicker after surgery, decreasing your recovery time by days or even weeks.

For example, patients who undergo total knee replacement surgery are typically expected to walk 500-1,000 feet 24 hours after their procedure. This may sound like a difficult task; however, those who participate in pre-hab before their surgery are much more likely to meet this demand than those who do not. Pre-hab provides patients with the stretches, strengthening exercises, and pain relieving techniques they need for a smooth and speedy recovery.

If you are interested in our preventative rehabilitation services, give our office a call today! We would be happy to discuss how physiotherapy could enhance your physical function and reduce your risk of injury. Schedule a consultation at our Oakville, ON office today to get started on the first steps of your treatment plan!


3 Indicators That Your Sciatica May Require Physiotherapy Intervention

Your sciatic nerves run from your lower back down your legs. People who suffer from sciatica typically describe a “shooting pain” sensation on one side of their body. While this condition does not always require medical treatment, physiotherapy can help ease your pain and lessen some of your other uncomfortable symptoms. Contact BeActive Oakville Physiotherapy today! So, how do you know when you should seek treatment? Some common indicators include:

1. When at-home treatments fail to bring relief.

There are some common home remedies you can try, to help ease some of your sciatica symptoms. For example, alternating with ice and heat compresses, or sleeping with a pillow between your knees can help alleviate some pain and stiffness. Sitting in a reclining chair can also help provide some relief, as it redirects the pressure from your lower back. Going for a walk or taking part in other gentle exercises can also help in getting your body moving so it doesn’t become too tight.

These are some commonly used at-home treatment methods for pain management, but they unfortunately do not always work. If your home treatments are having little-to-no effect in reducing your pain and restricted motion, or if your symptoms persist for more than a week without improvement, you should seek the aid of a physiotherapist. If your symptoms worsen, be sure to consult with your primary physician. Physiotherapy can provide you with the treatment you need to alleviate your aches and pains.

2. When symptoms change from mild to severe.

The severity of pain you feel can change depending on how compressed your sciatic nerve becomes. The more compressed it is, the more painful it will be. Symptoms may include severe shooting pain, weakness or numbness on one side, or the inability to move your feet. If your sciatic nerve becomes compressed in the area that controls your bladder and/or bowel function, you may lose control of those functions. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to consult with both your primary doctor and your physiotherapist to discuss a treatment plan for easing your pain and getting you back to your normal function. Your doctor may also run a number of tests to rule out any other underlying conditions.

3. When the pain is a symptom of an injury.

With mild sciatica, your symptoms can build up over time, and they may even go away on their own. However, if your sciatica symptoms show up immediately, following an injury or trauma (such as a car accident, sports injury, or harsh fall), it is important to consult with your doctor and your physiotherapist. These symptoms will most likely be severe since they are the result of an intense impact surrounding the sciatic nerve, and it is important to analyze the extent of the damage. No matter what course of treatment your primary physician recommends, it is likely that he or she will also recommend physiotherapy.

Give us a call today:

Physiotherapy can act as a lifeline for those suffering from persistent or severe sciatica. Your physiotherapist will teach you exercises that will help in strengthening the muscles in your lower back and surrounding the sciatic nerve. This will help to ease pain and prevent future injuries from occurring. Your posture and range of motion will also be improved through these treatments, helping to keep sciatica symptoms at bay.

Are you looking to manage (or banish) your sciatica symptoms? Contact our Oakville, ON office today to speak with an experienced physiotherapist about how our treatment programs can alleviate your painful sciatica flare-ups. We’ll help you get started on the path toward long-lasting relief!


7 Secrets Toward Motivating Yourself to be Active

For many of us, staying in shape can turn into an “all-or-nothing” attitude. Maybe we had a long day at work, or maybe we have to drive our kids to their extracurricular activities, or maybe it’s dark and cold and we simply don’t want to put in the effort. These are common excuses, and we all feel them. By the time you get home from work, it feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day to work out, on top of everything else you have to do. However, there are some simple tips you can add into your daily lifestyle that can allow for more physical activity, without having to hit the gym!

1. Take the longer and more difficult route.

We generally try to get from one point to another in the quickest way possible. We take elevators, we park close to entrances, we enter and exit the doors nearest to us… But other than saving time, this doesn’t add any long-term value. Try making it a habit to take the stairs at work or to park at the back of your grocery store’s parking lot. These simple acts can add significantly more physical activity to your daily life.

2. Get your steps in during lunch.

We all get a lunch break, and we can easily use that time to make healthy decisions. Instead of eating at the office cafeteria, walk down the street to order food (and make sure to get something healthy!) Or, you can use your entire lunch break to take a walk or go to the gym. By opting to do this, you can bring a bagged lunch and eat at your desk either before or after your exercise. This will give you a designated period of time every day for physical activity.

3. Invest in a standing desk.

This may be one of the easiest ways to get exercise – simply by standing in place! While it may not seem like much, standing is significantly healthier than sitting. You burn more calories by standing, and it is incredibly helpful to your posture as it decreases the ability to slouch or hunch over. It also helps in keeping blood sugar steady after a meal, and it encourages more movement overall.

4. Trick yourself into getting up more often.

Ideally, we’re supposed to get up and move around every 30-60 minutes throughout the day to initiate stronger blood flow, and to allow our bodies to stretch and warm up. But how many of us actually do that? (The answer – not many.) However, you can achieve this by tricking yourself into getting up more often. Maybe you use a smaller glass for your water than usual, so you have to get up and go to the sink every time you finish it. Or, maybe you make a trip to the copy room every time you have to use a stapler or hole puncher, instead of keeping your own on your desk. By ridding yourself of these small “conveniencies” that we create for ourselves, you’ll be able to get up and move around much more than you would otherwise.

5. Do chores every day.

By doing chores for 20 or 30 minutes a day, organizational experts believe you can achieve a cleaner and healthier lifestyle. In addition, you can also get a bit of a workout in! Vacuuming, doing dishes, taking out the trash, and doing laundry all demand physical activity. By taking time out of the day to do chores around the house, you’ll be able to get exercise AND do the tidying up that you’ve been putting off. Win/win!

6. Keep your equipment in sight.

Keep workout equipment in an easy-to-see view around the house. Lay your yoga mat out in front of the TV. Keep your 5-pound weights on the side of the desk. By keeping your equipment in sight, it’ll increase the probability of you using them (because let’s face it, who’s going to rummage through their hall closet to find their yoga mat at the end of the day?) Make it a habit of working out around the house while doing your daily activities, such as watching the news, cooking dinner, or even sitting at your computer.

7. Don’t procrastinate getting physiotherapy treatments.

Physiotherapy is helpful in addressing the aches and pains that may keep you from pursuing your active lifestyle. Many physiotherapy sessions are also workouts in themselves, meaning that you’ll be getting physical activity by attending your treatments. Your physiotherapist can also be used as a great resource when looking for advice on remaining active and adding more exercise into your daily habits. If chronic pain is an issue, your physiotherapist can show you specific moves that streamline the physical challenges.

If you have pain that’s keeping you from maintaining an active lifestyle give our office a call today. We’ll be happy to discuss how physiotherapy can help you live a pain-free and more active life.


How to Treat Arthritis Pain Without Medication

What is arthritis?

Arthritis can sometimes serve as a bit of an umbrella term. It is used to describe over 100 different types of joint pain and joint disease experienced by millions of people. It is true that arthritis seems to favor the elderly, as it becomes more apparent in people as they age; however, it is possible for people to experience arthritis in their early middle age.

According to a study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, it actually has a higher probability of affecting elite male athletes than the rest of the general public. It states that about 30 percent of elite male athletes who engage in contact sports will develop arthritis in the knees and hips, due to the wear and tear that the overexertion has on their joints. They are also more likely to be at risk for arthritis later in life.

What can I do?

A common treatment for arthritis is medication, usually for pain manageability. Your physician may prescribe NSAID pain relievers, corticosteroids, antirheumatic drugs, or antibiotics for your arthritis treatment. Medication is easy – you pop it in your mouth, chase it with water, and your pain subsides shortly afterward. However, they can also cause some unfavorable side effects, and in some cases they can be habit-forming. With NSAIDs, you run the risk of blood clots, heart attack, or stroke. With corticosteroids, you run the risk of cataracts, high blood sugar levels, and bone loss. Luckily, there is a much safer and healthier alternative to treating arthritis: physiotherapy.

If you believe you may be experiencing arthritic pain, and you’re looking for relief without the harmful risk of drugs, call our office today. We’ll set you up with a physiotherapist who can help you kick the meds and reduce your arthritis symptoms!

The different types of arthritis:

  • Osteoarthritis: This is the most common type of arthritis. It is caused by a reduction in joint cartilage through the “wear and tear” one experiences with age. This process of wearing down cartilage causes bones to rub together, which leads to pain and swelling. Physiotherapy can often help to reduce osteoarthritis pain without medication, especially if it is diagnosed as mild-to-moderate.
  • Inflammatory Arthritis: Also referred to as Rheumatoid Arthritis, this occurs when the body’s immune system attacks joint tissues with intense inflammation. Inflammatory arthritis often has a genetic cause, and doctors usually treat it aggressively with drugs. However, depending on the severity of symptoms, physiotherapy may be recommended for treatment as well.
  • Metabolic Arthritis: The most common type of metabolic arthritis is gout, a condition caused by uric acid crystals building up in the joints of the extremities, especially in the feet. This is typically a result of reduced kidney function. Physiotherapy can help gout patients restore range of motion in the affected area, and it can even reduce the buildup of acidic crystals that accumulate in the joints.

How will physiotherapy help me?

A physiotherapist’s main goal when treating arthritis is reducing stress on the joints, increasing strength, and preserving range of motion. Some benefits to working with a physiotherapist include:

  • Weight control. Your physiotherapist will work with you to control your weight through exercise and diet. Controlling your weight helps to prevent added stress on weight-bearing joints.
  • Proper posture. Posture work will help to reduce stress on your joints.
  • Stretching/exercise. Light exercises and stretching will help to increase range of motion in the affected areas.
  • Rest. Your therapist will also recommend a schedule for rest and sleep to complement your exercises. This helps the body to heal and will hopefully reduce your amount of arthritic inflammation and pain.

Every treatment regimen is different based on your body’s needs and your particular type of arthritis. The best way to get started on a natural, safe, and healthy treatment through physiotherapy is by calling and scheduling a consultation with one of our physiotherapists today. We’ll get you feeling comfortable and pain-free after just a few short sessions!


Ached by Lower Back Pain? Stand up Straighter with Physiotherapy

Lower back pain is a sensation all too familiar to millions of people. This ache can hinder many aspects of your life: working, spending time with friends and family, partaking in the activities you enjoy, and even just relaxing. The World Health Organization estimates that in the United States, 149 million days of work are lost due to low back pain. It is the leading cause of inactivity among adults, and it can result in other health issues if left untreated. It is also extremely common, appearing in 60-70% of people across industrialized nations.

If lower back pain is plaguing your everyday life, it is important that you find relief as soon as you can. For more information on how we can help get you back to a pain-free life, call our office today.

How can physiotherapy help?

Physiotherapists focus specifically on pain and injury to help their patients regain function, comfort, and mobility. Physiotherapy treatments are used to alleviate pain, promote healing, and bring restored function and movement to the painful area. When you come in for a consultation, your physiotherapist will provide you with an extensive evaluation, discovering what form of treatment will be best for whatever orthopedic, neurologic, or cardiovascular condition you are facing.

Physiotherapy also consists of two categorized types of treatments: passive physiotherapy and active physiotherapy:

  • Passive physiotherapy

The purpose of passive physiotherapy is to help pain become more manageable, and hopefully to alleviate it altogether. Lower back pain can be a debilitating condition, impeding your physical abilities. Because of this, physiotherapists work hard to reduce pain as much as possible. Passive physiotherapy can include any combination of these specialty treatments, as deemed fit by your physiotherapist:

  • Electrical stimulation, such as TENS Units
  • Massage
  • Manual therapies
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Ultrasound
  • Dry needling
  • Heat/ice packs
  • Iontophoresis

Some of these methods are used to reduce pain and swelling, such as heat/ice packs and massage therapy. Electrical stimulation, while it sounds intimidating, is a painless treatment that delivers minuscule waves of electricity throughout your nervous system. This also helps with pain relief, and it can also help in decreasing muscle spasms, as well as encouraging your body to produce pain-relieving hormones. Hydrotherapy is an aquatic-based treatment, in which patients will perform low-intensity movements in water, thus relieving any muscle pressure they may be experiencing and allowing their joints to move freely and comfortably. These techniques are more commonly used for the treatment of lower back pain than others, although any could be prescribed based on your physiotherapist’s discretion.

  • Active physiotherapy

The purpose of active physiotherapy is to provide exercises that the patient can do on their own in the later stages of their physiotherapy treatment. Once your lower back pain has subsided enough that your physiotherapist believes you are ready for active physiotherapy, he or she will set up and exercise schedule specific to your needs. This can include any combination of stretching, strength training, and stability training, and it is all geared toward helping you gain back your flexibility, range of motion, and muscle strength. These exercises will help provide support to the painful area and will guide you further in your recovery process.

What will my visits look like?

At your initial consultation, your physiotherapist will ask you several questions regarding your medical history, lifestyle, and painful area(s). This information will assist your physiotherapist in creating the best treatment plan for you and your specific needs, so you can be provided with long-term results.

After your consultation, your evaluation process will begin. Your physiotherapist will examine you by assessing your posture, coordination, strength, balance, flexibility, blood pressure, and/or heart rate, depending on your pain and symptoms. This evaluation will be both manual and visual.

When you’ve completed your thorough evaluation, your physiotherapist will then create your treatment plan, beginning with passive physiotherapy and leading into active physiotherapy. You may also be given exercises to do at home, during your time away from treatments. This is all done in order to reduce pain, avoid further injury, and provide you with the quickest recovery time possible.

If you believe your lower back pain could benefit from our physiotherapy services, give our office a call today to schedule your initial consultation. We’ll help you stand up to your back pain!


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