5 Conditions Causing Your Shoulder Pain

Discover Effective Shoulder Pain Relief Today

Frequent appointments with a physiotherapist are suitable for people of all ages!

Physiotherapy is a non-invasive, safe and effective treatment choice intended to improve movement and alleviate pain arising from a wide variety of work and sports injuries, musculoskeletal disorders, age-related conditions and more.

Usually patients undergo physiotherapy to help relieve symptoms of chronic pain and avoid potential injuries. One of the most important reasons for new patients to visit our physiotherapy clinic is to identify and treat the cause of their chronic shoulder pain.

There are several common causes that give rise to chronic pain in the shoulder. However, one thing is certain: coping with shoulder pain will make it difficult to complete everyday tasks if left untreated.

To learn how physiotherapy can help alleviate (or even eliminate) your problem, contact our office today! If you or a loved one is experiencing shoulder pain, we can help.

What can physiotherapy do for me?

Seeing a physiotherapist as soon as possible if you have encountered persistent shoulder pain may be a good idea.

Physiotherapy is a safe and natural recovery choice that will enable patients of all ages to recover from their shoulder injuries effectively.

Your physiotherapist will analyze your condition, find the cause of your pain, and develop a detailed, specialized treatment plan for your individual needs.

To get relief from shoulder pain, there’s no justification in spending loads of money on costly operations or counter drugs. Physiotherapy could help you get back on the pain-free road.

5 common conditions of shoulder pain

Without giving much thought to how they use their shoulders, most people typically just go about their day.

Did you know that in order to help you complete daily tasks, your shoulders actually do a good bit of work?

There is a good possibility that if you injure or strain your shoulders, you will end up experiencing severe pain.

Five of shoulder pain’s most common causes include:

1. Impingement

Shoulder impingement is a condition that occurs when the top part of the shoulder blade lifts away from the body and puts too much pressure on the underlying soft tissues in the arm.

As the arm lifts, the shoulder blade rubs against the bursa and tendons. If this condition goes untreated, impingement in the shoulder can result in bursitis and/or tendinitis.

2. Frozen Shoulder

Adhesive capsulitis, also known as frozen shoulder, is a condition that occurs following an injury or alongside another shoulder condition.

Most physiotherapists recommend that patients with frozen shoulders rest often in between physiotherapy appointments to avoid developing scar tissue in the shoulder.

On the chance that scar tissue does develop, the muscles surrounding the shoulder may eventually freeze up as well. This will limit your full range of motion and result in chronic pain.

3. Bursitis

The shoulder is made up of a very complex network of moving parts. This makes it a pretty complicated joint! One of the main components that make up the shoulder is called the “bursa.”

The bursa contains small fluid filled sacs that work to keep the joint lubricated. If the bursa becomes inflamed or irritated in any way, you could develop bursitis. This will call for a physiotherapist’s touch, as soon as possible!

4. Tendinitis

Tendinitis is a very common condition that often sends people straight to a physiotherapist for pain relief. It causes inflammation and usually affects people who take part in many physical activities, or work at a job that requires them to use lots of repetitive motions every day.

Take this for example, if you are an athlete who plays tennis, or a professional painter, you could be at high risk for developing tendinitis in your shoulder. This is because you make the same repetitive motions every day to play your sport or do your job.

Those who are at a high risk for developing this condition should be aware of how important it is to not only visit a physiotherapist regularly, but to also rest their shoulders often to prevent chronic pain.

5. Tendon Tears

If you experience an acute injury, or have a degenerative condition, the result can be a torn tendon in your shoulder. The natural aging process, overuse, and random injuries can often cause split or torn tendons as well.

Regardless of whether a patient has experienced a partial or full tendon tear, the pain can be searing and may require regular appointments with a physiotherapist in our clinic.

Contact us today!

To learn more about the benefits of physiotherapy for shoulder pain, contact BeActive Physiotherapy today and begin your journey towards living a pain-free life!


Living the Persistent Back Pain Blues? Try Changing Your Posture!

Improve Your Posture and Relieve Your Pain with Physiotherapy!

Most people are unable to sit and stand up straight. As adolescents, many of us can recall our parents and teachers telling us that good posture was the secret to good health later in life!

We all rolled our eyes back then, as this demand seemed irritating. However, we know that good posture goes beyond looks and confidence as we grow older. In fact, sitting and standing with good spinal alignment can help reduce back pain.

In showing patients how to exercise good posture, physiotherapists are excellent. Your physiotherapist may be able to help you appreciate the meaning of it and give you the education you need to ensure that every day you maintain excellent posture.

It could be because of poor posture if you’re enduring back pain. Let our clinic assist you in exploring the benefits of physiotherapy for back pain. To arrange an appointment with a physiotherapist, contact our office today!

Some PT strategies to help you prevent back pain by developing a healthy posture are as follows:

1. Avoiding improper lifting techniques

If you constantly lift heavy objects, you definitely need to make sure you have good posture!

Good posture is a critical component of lifting objects without hurting yourself. If you lift and fail to use good posture, there is a much higher risk that you will hurt your back.

Ask your physiotherapist how to maintain proper posture while lifting. They know how to teach you to properly lift things, and also guide you through exercises to hold the right posture.

2. Enhancing blood circulation

Maintaining the proper spinal alignment means that your veins won’t be as constricted by pressure on your vertebrae. There are many components of your spine that require proper circulation to operate the right way and to reform from daily wear and tear.

It might seem like a daunting task, but as your physiotherapist guides you through the different physiotherapy exercises and techniques that help with maintaining good posture, you’ll be able to improve at keeping the alignment required for proper circulation.

3. Discovering proper posture for everyday tasks

Most of the time when we hear the term “good posture” we think of how we sit or stand, but good posture is important in everything we do!

In physiotherapy, your therapist may teach you how to maintain good posture during sports and everyday activities such as running or walking.

Improving your overall posture will lessen the wear and tear you put on your spine every day. This will also minimize your risk of developing back pain from these activities.

4. Improved strength and flexibility

If you haven’t had good posture for a long period of time anyways, it’s probably best to assume that learning to maintain it isn’t going to be the easiest thing to do.

It might take time in physiotherapy to gain the strength and flexibility you need to keep ideal posture and spinal alignment. According to the Mayo Clinic, “correct posture can boost your productivity and mood, as well as help you use your muscles more efficiently.”

The work you do and the effort you put in with your physiotherapist to achieve your goal will lead to greater overall fitness. The more flexible you get, the stronger you’ll be, and the less likely you are to suffer from nagging back pain every day.

5. Decreasing risk of anatomical changes

Did you know that the ways in which you use your spine can actually cause changes in your anatomy? It’s true.

Sitting hunched over can cause excess stress and can eventually lead to damage of your spinal discs, muscles, joints and the nerves and blood vessels traveling through your spine.

Thankfully in most cases the damage can be reversed by physiotherapy. Targeted exercises, stretches, and education can help your body learn to sit and stand correctly!

How will posture relieve my back pain?

Your spine is designed to function in a particular way. You can end up causing long-term issues each time you move, sit, or stand in ways that disturb the correct location and function of your spine.

Practicing good posture is one way you can work to alleviate back pain with the aid of a licensed physiotherapist.

You can learn how to develop good posture when you start physiotherapy. PT can help you discover when you are not practicing good posture and develop more safe movement habits that will help alleviate your back pain.

Contact us to get started on the path toward relief!

Chances are if you suffer from back pain, it may be the product of bad posture.

To get set up for an appointment with one of our certified physiotherapists, contact BeActive Physiotherapy today!


Physiotherapy After Surgery Can Significantly Improve Your Recovery Process

Surgery Coming Up? Physiotherapy Can Help You Get Back to Your Life Faster with a great recovery process!

Facing surgery can be a little scary. Not only are you unsure how the operation itself will go, you may not be clear about what to expect once the anesthesia has worn off. Fortunately, our physiotherapist can walk you through the precise recovery process for your surgery.

Call today to schedule a consultation. In the meantime, these reasons to attend post-surgical rehab will shed some light on how physiotherapy leads to a better recovery.

1. Reducing the amount of scar tissue from surgery

Surgery and scar tissue go hand in hand. Anytime a surgeon has to cut layers of skin, fatty tissue, connective tissue, and muscles, they must repair them as well.

In the process of the body finishing what the surgeon started, scar tissue forms. Scar tissue forms from inflammation and irritation around joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments, making it difficult for the area to move.

Once scar tissue has formed and solidified, it is difficult and painful to break. The sooner a physiotherapist can help create movement in the area that has been affected by surgery, the less scar tissue will develop, the less pain a person will have during recovery.

Even though physiotherapy is often uncomfortable right after surgery, it is far less painful than waiting to begin rehabilitation.

2. Moving safely and comfortably, as soon as possible

A physiotherapist will often begin the therapy process within 24 hours of surgery. Multiple studies have found that patients who are up and moving right after surgery have faster recovery times than those who are allowed to rest and recover before rehabilitation. Patients who have a knee or hip replacement are required to stand and walk within 24 hours.

Patients who have surgery on other areas of the body are often referred to a physiotherapist even before surgery, so they can begin therapy as soon as they are discharged from the hospital. The sooner you begin rehabilitation after surgery, the faster your recovery, the better your outcome.

3. A physiotherapist is a movement expert

We often forget that a physiotherapist is a medical specialist. Not only have they completed extensive training and education, they are also skilled diagnosticians.

In your first meeting, your physiotherapist will assess your current movement capabilities and discuss your surgical procedure. They will then schedule your post-surgical rehab appointments in a way that is appropriate for your goals and procedure.

Your first thought may be, “It’s too soon!” or “There’s no way I’ll be ready.” Trust their skill, experience and expertise. Committing to physiotherapy the way it is prescribed, with the recommended timing and order, will have you back to optimal health much faster than fighting the process.

Common reasons for surgery

People may require surgery for a variety of reasons.

It may be required to remove diseased tissues, fix a broken bone, implant an electronic device, remove an obstruction or to explore a condition for the purpose of diagnosis.

Common surgeries include appendectomy, Cesarean section, hip replacement, coronary artery bypass, and low back surgery.

Find relief after surgery with passive and active therapies

Once our physiotherapist has isolated the underlying cause of your chronic joint pain, we can prescribe techniques to help you start feeling – and moving – more like your old self.

Physiotherapy for joint pain may start with passive exercises, in which we move the afflicted joint for you to increase its pain-free range of motion.

Exercises that reduce the amount of weight on the joints can also be extremely helpful. For instance, we may recommend swimming or water walking as a means of exercising the hips and knees without also forcing them to bear your full weight.

Other types of exercises can also help you overcome your joint pain while improving joint function. Strengthening exercises help by reinforcing the muscles and connective tissues that serve the joint. Corrective exercises and neuromuscular re-education can help you maintain a straighter, more symmetrical posture.

Last but not least, physiotherapy offers a variety of helpful modalities beyond exercise. We may treat your joint pain with heat, ice, and manual therapies such as massage, just to name a few.

Looking for help? Contact us!

If you are facing surgery, don’t wait to schedule your appointment with a physiotherapist.

Not only will they be able to outline your rehabilitation schedule and recovery process, they may also have valuable insight into things you can do now to prepare for your surgery date.

Call our office today!

Improve Your Balance Today with Core Strengthening Exercises

Become Steady on Your Feet with the Help of Physiotherapy!

Did you know that strengthening your core muscles is related to the development of better balance? It’s true!

When your core muscles are good, they have a better chance of stopping you from suffering chronic lower back pain and other injuries.

They can even stop you from losing your balance or falling over. A strong core helps hold you in an upright position, particularly as you get older and become more at risk of falling and injuring yourself.

If you are interested to learn more about developing a core routine to strengthen your balance, please contact our office. Schedule a meeting with one of our licensed physiotherapists today!

Have you tried the drawing in maneuver?

To start with, stand up straight. Find the right pelvic position by moving your hips forward and backward until you are relaxed. Then take a deep breath and draw your belly button to your spine. Make sure you don’t hold your breath because this isn’t a breathing exercise!

You’re supposed to be able to speak, breathe, and walk around your house with your belly button pulled in. It sounds pretty straightforward on paper, but if you’re older, recovering from injury, or out of shape in general, it’s going to be a little difficult at first.

The goal is to build up your core strength until you can keep your belly button for 30 seconds. Then you can move on to some more demanding core exercises.

If you feel any pain at all from this maneuver, stop right away, as it shouldn’t be painful!

As you build up your core, your physiotherapist will recommend that you move on to more strenuous tasks and workouts that are better suited to your age and capacity.

They range from bridges and planks for more athletic individuals to gentler routines (like yoga) for older individuals. Your therapist will also work with you on clear core activities to help you balance.

Improve your core strength and balance with PT!

You don’t need a bunch of expensive gym equipment to start working on your core strength. In fact, here’s a quick exercise that many physiotherapists will recommend if you’re just starting out. It’s called the “drawing in maneuver,” or if you prefer the less fancy term, “sucking your gut in.”

Contrary to what many believe, it’s not necessary to go out and buy a ton of expensive gym equipment or memberships to work on your core strength. According to the Mayo Clinic, any exercise that involves the use of your abdominal and back counts as a core exercise.

Here is a fast and easy exercise that many physiotherapists recommend to patients who are just beginning to work on theirs. It’s referred to as the “drawing-in maneuver.” We all have probably done it before; ever heard of the phrase “suck your gut in?” This is pretty much the same thing!

What should I know about my core?

Most people believe that when you’re working on your core, you’re just doing abs, but your core muscles are more than just abs! There are two types of core muscles: the inner core and the outer core.

The inner core muscles are attached to the spine. These are the muscles that balance the core and hold it in the correct place. The outer core muscles work together with the inner core muscles when you need to rotate your body to perform much of everyday physical activities.

Core stability has to do with the inner core muscles. These muscles are stabilizing for the spine. Core strength relates to the outer core muscles, and when properly formed, works to help you move about with ease.

Frequent visits with a licensed physiotherapist may be able to help you train your inner and outer core muscles for improved balance and movement!

How balance and core strength complement one another

In total, your body has three systems that help regulate and sustain your balance. The first one is the vestibular system, which is responsible for giving your brain the necessary information it needs about how we move, our head position, motor functions, etc.

The liquid in your inner ear functions as part of this system, sort of like a “carpenter’s balance” to keep you level. If you’ve ever found yourself feeling off-kilter or dizzy, it means that the liquid in the vestibular system is off a bit.

The second balancing system is your visual system. Your eyes send informational signals to your brain regarding your position in relevance to the world around you. The third balancing system is the proprioceptive system, which deals with your core and the muscles in that area.

Your proprioceptive nerves are sensory nerves located all over your body. They make you aware of your posture, as well as aware of where you are positioned compared to things surrounding you.

In order to stay properly balanced, all three of these systems need to be in equilibrium. A weak core is one element that can not only throw off this internal equilibrium but can also make you feel off-balance to the point of falling over.

Improve your balance today!

Physical therapy will help if you have a poor core or are struggling with balance!

Your physiotherapist will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your condition, determine your physical ability, and build a personalized care plan to suit your needs.

Please contact BeActive Physiotherapy and arrange a meeting today to get started with a physiotherapist.

Ready to Gain More Energy and Say Goodbye to Pain?

Better Your Health with These 5 Tips!

If you have recently been dealing with pain and are searching for lasting relief, our physiotherapists are here for you. With a personalized physiotherapy plan, you can discover highly efficient ways to treat your pain and improve your overall energy levels.

Our physiotherapists have the experience to help you actually live a pain-free life. Please contact our office today to learn more and arrange your first appointment with us!

Here are five helpful tips that you can use to generate more energy and alleviate acute or chronic pain!

1. Make sure to hydrate

It is recommended that we drink about an ounce of water for each pound we weigh each day! That seems like a lot, but it normally averages out to be around 7-8 glasses.

Drinking enough water will prevent you from dehydrating, and this will allow you to avoid muscle cramps, headaches, fatigue, and constipation.

Water is always the healthiest drink option, so make sure you keep a full bottle or thermos near you at all times during the day.

You will notice that the more water you drink, the less pain you feel, and the more energy you have. The added bonus is that it can help you keep your appetite under control so you’re less likely to gain unnecessary weight.

2. Practice proper posture

If you make improvements with your posture it can make a massive difference with your overall health.

A physiotherapy program can help you improve your posture, and this is something you can also carry out long term. Sitting and standing with your shoulders back, chest out, and a straight spine is a good start.

Avoid sitting slumped over a book, desk, or your computer at work! Your physiotherapist can guide you towards proper posture habits that will help relieve pain and pressure.

3. Make ergonomic changes to the way you sit

The way you sit can have a massive impact on your pain and energy levels. Your physiotherapist might recommend that you change the way you’re sitting to relieve pain.

A lumbar cushion behind your back can help relieve pressure in your lower back region. By avoiding pain, you’ll feel less zapped of energy at the end of the day. Your physiotherapist will be able to offer a specialized treatment plan full of tips and exercises to help you adjust your sitting habits at home and in your work environment.

It’s also important to make sure you’re not sitting for prolonged periods without breaks. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Research has linked sitting for long periods of time with a number of health concerns. They include obesity and a cluster of conditions — increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels — that make up metabolic syndrome.”

Be sure to take breaks at work and get up to move around!

4. Get moving

Most of us underestimate how critical it is to move around a lot every day. This is something physiotherapy will make very clear to you! When you are in pain, it might be instinct to curl up in the fetal position on your side, but that’s the worst option you can choose.

Forcing yourself to get up and walk around a bit every hour is a better choice, even if you just take a simple walk around the room. This can help relieve your pain immensely, and give you an extra boost of energy.

5. Make sure to breathe

Obviously you’re breathing all the time, however, it’s not focused breathing! Your physiotherapist will show you how practicing focused breathing techniques can help relieve your pain and give you an energy boost during the day.

Every few hours, make sure you take a moment to yourself to stop, shut your eyes, and breathe. Breathe in deeply through your nose.

Make sure your lungs are as full as possible, and then breathe out through your mouth. Let a bit of air out through your lips by keeping them lightly pursed, and focus on nothing but your breathing for a few minutes.

You’ll be shocked at how much of a difference it can make with your energy and stress levels!

Ready to get started?

Physiotherapy is a safe, healthy, non-invasive way to recover from injury or illness and get back to feeling your absolute best. Be sure to use the tips above to add to your customized physiotherapy plan for optimum results.

If you’re ready to learn more about how healthy eating and exercise may bring back your energy and alleviate irritating pain, we’re here for you! Contact BeActive Physiotherapy today to arrange a consultation with a licensed physiotherapist!


Living With Sciatica Pain? Give Physiotherapy Treatment A Try

You Don’t Have to Live in Pain Any Longer

Our bodies are made up of a complex network of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. Your sciatic nerve is the biggest nerve you have in your body. It stretches from the lumbar spine through the buttocks region, and if there is unnecessary pressure applied to it, it can cause you a world of problems.

Sciatica, also known as “lumbar radiculopathy,” is a very painful condition arising from the inflammation of the sciatic nerve. This kind of pain is commonly felt in the lumbar region and behind the thigh. It is also a common symptom of individuals suffering from sciatica that they feel the pain radiating deep into the lower limbs.

Sciatica can make it painfully hard to bend, walk, and exercise. The most common cause of sciatica is lumbar disc herniation, but it can also be caused by back damage and disc degeneration.

How can physiotherapy benefit me?

Physiotherapy for sciatica is a non-invasive, effective, safe treatment plan that is targeted to the root cause of your pain.

A physiotherapist will devise specialized treatment specific to you and your needs.

Your physiotherapist will help you learn how to prevent sciatica and other pain in the future by teaching you at-home exercises for maintenance.

By practicing good posture, proper body mechanics and staying in good shape, you can also prevent sciatica from occurring again.

What can I expect from a PT treatment plan?

Passive therapy

Passive therapy may include massage therapy, electric therapy, heat therapy, or ultrasound therapy.

All of these different kinds of treatment can help reduce pain, stimulate proper blood circulation and speed up the healing process.

Active therapy

Active therapy includes exercises, specific motions and stretches meant to speed up the healing process and provide pain relief.

Your physiotherapist will educate you on the different stretches and exercises you can do at home for pain relief.

Ultrasound therapy

People typically associate this kind of therapy with pregnant women, but that’s not all ultrasounds are used for! Ultrasound therapy helps relieve pain by sending soothing sound waves into deep tissues for relief.

Massage therapy

Massage therapy helps alleviate sciatic nerve pain. It loosens tight back muscles that may be pressing on the sciatic nerve, and it increases the release of endorphins for pain relief. Heat therapy helps relax muscles and reduce inflammation.


Electrotherapy uses electricity to strengthen muscles, reduce pain, increase circulation and improve physical function.

Gentle, pain relief stretches

Physiotherapy will usually use several different forms of care to reduce the pain and symptoms you feel with sciatica. Active therapies, passive treatments, aquatic treatments, and more are available.

On the chance that your physiotherapist finds any weak muscles, you will be given adequate corrective exercises to reinforce your core strength. Not only should these strengthening exercises concentrate on the lower back, but also on the abdominal muscles, hip muscles, and glutes.

All of these exercises help strengthen the spinal column, including tendons, ligaments and supporting muscles, while keeping the spine aligned properly.

The stretching exercises that your physiotherapy will teach you are supposed to target muscles that are stiff and tight.

Hamstring stretching is a normal and essential aspect of the physiotherapy treatment regimen for alleviation of sciatica. A physiotherapist can also be recommended for a curriculum of aquatic exercises. You can exercise comfortably with the buoyancy of the water.

So, how can I tell if I have sciatica?

According to the Mayo Clinic, “Sciatica most commonly occurs when a herniated disk, bone spur on the spine or narrowing of the spine (spinal stenosis) compresses part of the nerve. This causes inflammation, pain and often some numbness in the affected leg.”

Sciatica is typically diagnosed with questions regarding your medical history, alongside a physical exam. Many physiotherapists may also have a CT scan or MRI performed to locate the root cause of sciatica.

A physiotherapist will work with you to:

  • Help you return to normal activities.
  • Improve your flexibility.
  • Improve your range of motion.
  • Reduce sciatica pain.
  • Educate you on how to stand, bend and twist properly so as to prevent future injuries.
  • Increase your strength.

What are you waiting for? Get started today!

If you or a loved one is suffering from sciatica, be sure to contact BeActive Physiotherapy for your personalized appointment with one of our physiotherapists.

A thorough test will be completed, and your physiotherapist will make sure you’re back on your feet in no time at all.

You’re just a phone call away from living a pain-free life—what are you waiting for?


Are You Experiencing Both Back And Neck Pain? PT May Be Able To Help

Relieve Your Pain with the Help of Physiotherapy!

Back and neck pain are very common problems that many people deal with throughout the course of their lives.

Unfortunately, it’s not always a straightforward job to locate the exact cause of the pain you experience in your neck or back. Pain can also spread to your arms, legs, and head.

Fortunately, physiotherapy may be able to help. People often end up paying for costly surgeries to find relief or falling back on addictive medications that can cause adverse health effects later in life.

However, there is a safer remedy for pain in the back and neck: physiotherapy!

How can physiotherapy help with my back and neck pain?

No matter what age you are, neck and back pain is absolutely not easy to deal with! The good news?

Physical exercise, regardless of the root cause of pain, has been shown to help with neck pain or back pain. For those trying to prevent costly procedures or dangerous drugs, physiotherapy is a completely safe, natural, and effective mode of care.

If you have pain in your neck or back, contact our office today and see how physiotherapy could help you get back to a pain-free life.

Our physiotherapists are trained and waiting for you; they’ve helped a lot of people, and you’re next in line!

What can I expect from a PT treatment plan?

A personalized recovery plan that is tailored to your needs will be developed by your physiotherapist.

Since the origin of your back or neck pain may vary, this treatment plan may be different for you than it would be for anyone else.

For example, you might be experiencing pain because of a herniated disc, a degenerative disc disease, whiplash from an auto accident, a sports injury, arthritis, or poor posture.

A few conditions that could be the root cause of the pain you’re feeling are as follows:

  • Strains & sprains: This is a very common issue that sends people straight to a physiotherapist. It is not uncommon for athletes to incur sprains and strains to the neck or back regions when engaging in sports that require aggressive overuse of a body part or muscle.
  • Osteoarthritis: Arthritis is developed due to wear and tear on the facet joints. This causes friction when bending, can result in pinching a nerve root, or in sciatica.
  • Degenerative disc disease: This condition occurs when there is wear and tear on the discs.
  • A herniated disc: This condition occurs when the gel-like material of the disc bulges or leaks out.

How can a physiotherapist help me?

A thorough evaluation of your physical condition will be done, and a customized recovery plan will be formulated to remedy the cause of your back or neck pain.

To find the root cause of your back or neck pain, your physiotherapist will perform a comprehensive examination. To test your range of motion, he or she may use an instrument called a goniometer. It is also likely that they will conduct a strength test on you.

Spinal mobility is assessed along with palpation in order to find sore or tight muscles. Your physiotherapist will also ask you to perform some activities in order to find out what your level of functional mobility is.

Your physiotherapist will also take a look at your medical history to see if there are any factors that could be contributing to the discomfort you are currently experiencing, such as previous accidents or surgeries.

During this time, you can discuss the things that you are now not able to do as a result of any past injuries you might have sustained.

What else should I know?

There are several common methods of physiotherapy for neck and back pain. Physiotherapy for these disorders focuses on spinal support systems.

They include tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints. Physiotherapists typically provide stretches, exercises, and adjustments to alleviate discomfort in the neck and back.

Some therapists also use water exercises to make the therapy even easier. Aquatic therapy is helpful because the buoyancy of the water eliminates the pressure from the cervical and lumbar spine when you exercise.

Passive physiotherapy also involves a range of techniques, such as heat or ice therapy, massage therapy, electrotherapy, and ultrasound therapy.

Heat or ice therapy can increase blood circulation to speed up the healing process and reduce swelling and inflammation. Massage therapy can help to relax your muscles and reduce your pain.

With electrotherapy, electrical waves are sent directly to the sensory nerves to prevent the signs of pain from reaching the brain. Ultrasound therapy uses sound waves to reach deep into the tissues and soothe affected areas.

Ready to get started?

Make a call today and learn how we can get you on the road to recovery.

When we have the answer right here; there’s no need to suffer from pain any longer! Contact BeActive Physiotherapy today.

Surgery Coming Up? Recover ASAP and Get Back to Normal Life with Pre-Hab

You Can Do A Lot for Yourself by Participating in PT Both Before and After Surgery!

Surgery can be very painful and traumatic for the body to go through, so it’s typically only performed when there are simply no other choices available. If surgery is in the immediate future, you might have already addressed a post-operative physiotherapy appointment with your doctor.

It is incredibly normal (and highly recommended!) to see a physiotherapist during rehabilitation. Without the aid of a physiotherapist, it can be impossible to get back up and move on your own. It also may be beneficial to see one prior to your surgery as well!

This is referred to as pre-habilitation” or “pre-hab.” Pre-hab is a method of consulting with your physiotherapist to brace your body for your upcoming surgery. Pre-hab with a physiotherapist has been shown to minimize recovery time and improve the overall quality and result of the surgery. It’s extremely important, and definitely something everybody can take advantage of!

Contact our office today to talk to a physiotherapist about pre-hab and how it can benefit you before your operation.

What can I expect with a pre-hab plan?

Anyone who has undergone surgery before may relate to the fact that the anticipation of the surgery can leave you feeling very nervous. However, pre-hab services may be able to put your worries to rest.

A pre-surgical recovery program can help not only to be physically prepared but also to be psychologically prepared for your imminent operation. This is a win-win scenario.

Our office will make an appointment with one of our physiotherapists for you. From there, your physiotherapist will do a complete evaluation of your condition, review your medical history, and provide you with an activity plan to make sure you are successful before and after your surgery.

How will pre-hab benefit me?

Pre-hab is a pretty straightforward concept to grasp, but has it been proven successful? The answer is: absolutely!

You can also get out of the hospital following surgery much quicker if you have a few pre-hab sessions. A perfect example of this is seen in patients who have had knee replacement surgery. Patients who had already completed a physiotherapy pre-hab program were able to meet the required discharge criteria much faster than patients who had opted out of pre-hab.

Typically, knee replacement patients may be released after walking a certain distance and ascending several sets of stairs. Patients who met with a physiotherapist prior to surgery may be able to fulfill these criteria much more easily than those who elect not to.

Rehab vs. pre-hab: defined

Pre-habilitation, defined

Pre-hab can help you get a jump start on your recovery process with the help of a licensed physiotherapist. It can also make your surgery more successful! Pre-hab therapy is designed to strengthen your body before your surgery. It also decreases discomfort and inflammation, so your surgeon will have an easier time completing your operation.

Think of pre-hab as an opportunity to “stock up” on your health for later. Even just having a few sessions with your therapist can set you up for better success after your surgery, so that when you’re out of the game for a while after all is said and done, you’ll have more strength to draw on.

Rehabilitation, defined

When you have surgery, it’s expected you’ll feel discomfort and pain afterward. This pain can make you avoid moving in certain ways. You might also have to limit how much you’re moving for a while as well to make sure you’re healing properly.

However, not moving often can cause serious problems over the long term. Your body will experience inflammation and adhesions. You absolutely must move to some degree to prevent these undesirable issues.

There should be no attempts at avoiding rehab after surgery. A physiotherapist may be able to help you learn how to move safely to keep adhesions from forming and combat inflammation. Physiotherapy also improves your strength, so you can return to your normal life quicker.

Get started today!

Please contact BeActive Physiotherapy today to learn more about your pre-hab choices. We’re here to make sure your surgery and recovery time is as quick and comfortable as possible.

Are You Living Your Healthiest Life? Improve Your Health with These 4 Tips!

Discover Ways to Lead a More Active Life!

How many reminders do you have every day that you don’t get enough physical activity? Running shoes are collecting dust in your closet. The yoga mat is curled up in the back of your car. You keep paying for the gym membership, but don’t actually use it. We know that sticking to a day-to-day workout routine can be difficult, but hey, no one ever said New Year’s is the only time you can make a commitment to improving your health.

Here is a list of tips that we have compiled that will help you grow stronger, healthier, and more active. These suggestions will give at least a little motivation to make good use of those yoga pants and fancy gym wear!

Sneak in some exercise

Yep, you read that right! This is your permission slip to be sneaky when it comes to exercise!

Oftentimes, physiotherapists recommend small changes to a person’s routine in order to make the adjustments manageable.

Consider these changes to be “bite-sized chunks,” so that you don’t feel as if your entire routine has to revolve around working out.

Some changes to your routine that a physiotherapist would approve of include:

  • Take the dog on walks around the park or your neighborhood every day.
  • Walk up and down the field while your children are playing sports.
  • Park farther away from your destination and walk the extra distance.
  • Shovel snow, rake leaves, and garden in your yard as the seasons change.
  • Choose the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Exit the bus one stop early and walk the rest of the way to your destination.

Make healthier diet choices

No matter how much we deny it, everyone loves to spoil themselves with yummy snacks and treats!

The key is to balance those delicious foods with a well-rounded, healthy diet. Here are some tips to get things started:

  • Choose healthy snacks. It’s a good thing to snack. Doing so keeps you at your best so that you can sustain your energy and stay positive. Choose carrots over cookies, and peanuts over pretzels.
  • Eat your greens. Eating lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products is the key to a healthy diet. Try to stay away from consuming too much red meat! Beans, eggs and nuts are also great to add in to your daily intake. Keep the saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt and added sugars to a minimum.
  • Avoid skipping meals. Providing yourself with consistent meals gives your mind and body then necessary fuel to help you become active and stay that way. It also helps you avoid your blood sugar dropping, which can lead to irritability, nervousness and a handful of other unpleasant issues.

Think positive!

We know you’ve probably heard it all before, but all that stuff about “mind over matter” really works!

According to the Mayo Clinic site, “Positive thinking doesn’t mean that you keep your head in the sand and ignore life’s less pleasant situations. Positive thinking just means that you approach unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. You think the best is going to happen, not the worst.”

Your body “believes” what you think, so try to keep a healthy attitude and look for the best whenever possible. If you find that you are confused or stuck on how you can get yourself out of a negative direction, repeat the following mantra out loud: I have the power to create change.

It works because you do!

Finally find relief for that persistent pain

Chronic pain can put a big damper on anyone’s exercise routine. You might think that something so common would bring more people to physiotherapy, but more than half of the country still suffers from some form of chronic pain that has gone untreated for years!

If you have discomfort or pain that is to blame for not having enough exercise in your everyday life, get yourself to a physiotherapist ASAP. Physiotherapy is a healthy, natural, and successful way to help relieve pain. The greatest part is that oftentimes, the effects of physiotherapy are long-lasting, and in many cases, lifelong!

Physiotherapy can manipulate your bones and joints to reduce discomfort and pain. It can help with all forms of chronic musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain, from chronic migraines to fibromyalgia. A physiotherapist will work with you to build an exercise and movement routine that decreases your discomfort and enhances both your range of motion and physical ability.

Physiotherapy can also provide you with laser therapy, massage or microcurrent stimulation, ultrasound therapy, aquatic therapy, and more as needed. The list of ways in which a licensed physiotherapist could be able to get you exercising, and living life to the fullest is infinite!

Get started on improving your health and wellness today!

No matter what age you are or what your condition is, leading a healthier, happier, more involved life will improve your physical and mental health.

If you would like to help build a plan or alleviate pain, please contact Be Active Physiotherapy to see how physiotherapy can help you live a more active and healthier lifestyle!

Have You Sustained a Sprain or Strain to Your Ankle? Get Back on Your Feet with Physiotherapy

Ready to Move with Ease Once Again?

If you’re having ankle pain that isn’t going away, there’s a significant chance that you’ve suffered from a strain or a sprain! People sometimes use these two terms interchangeably, but there is actually a big distinction between them.

A strain is the tear or overstretching of a muscle or tendon. These tendons connect the bones to the muscles. Your lower back and hamstrings are the most popular area of the strain. A sprain is the overstretching or tearing of a ligament. Ligaments are rows of tissue linking bones in a joint. Sprains commonly occur in the joints of your ankle but can happen in any joint.

The good news is that you no longer have to live in discomfort. Physiotherapy will benefit you! To learn more about the natural and effective treatment of pain and prevention of sprains and strains through PT, please call our office today. One of our certified physiotherapists will be pleased to see you!

Ankle injuries: a common area of pain

Although many injuries are more likely to occur as we age, according to WebMD, “Ankle injuries can happen to anyone at any age. However, men between 15 and 24 years old have higher rates of ankle sprain, compared to women older than age 30 who have higher rates than men. Half of all ankle sprains occur during athletic activity. Every day in the U.S., 25,000 people sprain their ankles. And more than 1 million people visit emergency rooms each year because of ankle injuries.”

That’s a pretty impressive statistic, and it just goes to show that literally, everyone is at risk for receiving an injury to their ankle! That’s why it’s incredibly important to be aware of how you’re moving your body in order to prevent one, as well as understanding your treatment options should you get hurt.

What can I expect from a treatment plan?

Active therapy in physiotherapy includes targeted workouts and stretching. Passive treatment includes electrical stimulation, ultrasound, massage, and heat therapy. Electrical stimulation and heat therapy are very helpful in reducing ankle pain.

Physiotherapy has also been shown to be an effective treatment for ligament sprains, such as ACL tears. ACL tears are a very common injury to the knee. Physiotherapy has also been shown to be beneficial for damage to the Achilles tendon and other forms of sprains and strains. No matter what the injury might be, physiotherapy is here to help.

How can a physiotherapist help me find relief?

.A majority of folks can do this technique at home, but it doesn’t always work. If you find that your injury doesn’t heal this way, it’s time to see the doctor. A doctor will most likely conduct a few tests and take an X-ray to see if there are bone fractures. If not, the diagnosis is typically a strain or a sprain.

This is where physiotherapy should come in! You might be recommended by your doctor to visit a physiotherapist, no matter the cause or severity of the injury. Physiotherapy will play a vital role in your rehabilitation, since physiotherapists know a multitude of ways to effectively relieve and alleviate discomforts, such as the ones from ankle sprains and strains. They can also enhance your coordination and strength.

Why did I sustain a sprain or strain?

Symptoms for strains and sprains are very similar, which is another reason people seem to mix the two up! You might experience muscle spasms, swelling and inflammation, decreased range of motion, limited flexibility, and pain around the affected joint.

The biggest difference between the two is that a sprain will normally show up with bruising on the skin around that affected area.

Some ways that you can receive a strain or sprain are as follows:

  • Prolonged repetitive motion
  • Slipping and falling
  • Athletic activities
  • Overexerting yourself
  • Lifting heavy objects

It’s important to warm up before physical activity to avoid receiving a sprain or strain. Make sure when you’re working out that you are alert and aware of your surroundings, and using the proper equipment as well so you don’t have an accident resulting in one of the two injuries.

There are also environmental factors that can put you at risk as well, such as slippery or icy surfaces, or exercising on rocky ground that could cause you to trip and fall.

Get moving again today!

If you have ankle pain from a strain or sprain, don’t let it get worse by putting off treatment any longer. Our office is here to help you out! Contact Be Active Physiotherapy today to learn how we can get you on the road to recovery.

Our qualified and licensed physiotherapists will carry out a thorough evaluation to determine your condition and develop an individualized treatment program. In no time we will help you recover and live your normal life again!

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