Have You Been Stretching? If Not, These 5 Reasons Will Make You Want to Start!

Have You Been Stretching?

Add Stretching to Your Daily Routine Today!

Some people think that stretching is an unnecessary part of exercising. The truth is that stretching is a necessary component of exercise.

Can some simple physical motions dramatically improve your overall health, wellness, and quality of life? In the case of stretching, the answer is most definitely yes. Stretching exercises are a staple of physiotherapy for just that reason.

In fact, according to physiotherapists, stretching is an important part of one’s daily routine – whether you’re exercising or not.

What are the different types of stretching?

Stretching involves stretching connective tissue, a muscle or a tendon. The goal of stretching is to improve range of motion, flexibility and muscle elasticity. The five most common stretching exercises are:

  • Low Load
  • Static
  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)
  • Ballistic
  • Dynamic

Ballistic stretch physiotherapy is a rapid bouncing motion to stretch a muscle. Dynamic stretching by a physiotherapist entails stretching with motion at different speeds and distances.

These movements are performed in a controlled and slow manner. Examples include torso swings, arms swings and leg swings. Static stretch physiotherapy involved stretching the muscle and holding it for a few seconds.

PNF entails holding and controlling techniques to activate specific receptors in muscles. This technique improves muscle length and decreases muscle tension. The low load stretching technique is gradual application of tension to enhance connective tissue remodeling.

A physiotherapist will determine the best stretching exercises for your affected area and implement them into your treatment plan. They will also give you home exercises.

These stretching exercises may include groin stretches, quadriceps stretches, knee stretches, calf stretches and more. They will also show you how to do easy stretches with a towel at home. Knee stretches are very common in all age groups. That’s because knee injuries are common due to overuse or athletic injuries.

Activities like running and biking can result in tight quadriceps muscles. Keep in mind that tight muscles can predispose you to injury. If so, quadriceps stretches will be implemented into a treatment plan.

Improve your mobility with stretching

It’s quite common for a physiotherapist to prescribe various stretching exercises to individuals suffering from chronic pain conditions. Stretching takes on special importance when you’ve become less mobile due to issues such as osteoarthritis. The less you move your joints, the greater the likelihood that your muscles and connective tissues will lose some of their length.

This change obviously limits your joint motion even further and leaves you in even more pain. Stretches naturally support physiotherapy recommendations such as walking, heat therapy, or massage therapy in increasing blood flow to painful joints and widening your pain-free range of motion.

Chronic pain syndromes often involve tight muscles. Syndromes such as fibromyalgia and its cousin, myofascial pain syndrome, cause muscle knots that limit muscle motion and trigger referred pain to other parts of the body. Regular stretching can help you “untie those” painful knots.

PT and stretching

It’s important to make sure you’re doing the right kind of stretches before and after your workout. A physiotherapist can put together an exercise routine for your specific type of workout.

Whether you’re playing a game of tennis, training for a mini-marathon, or walking through the neighborhood, physiotherapy can help you make the most of your activities. A physiotherapist can guide you regarding which types of stretches are the best for your current physical condition and the type of activities you’re participating in.

It’s also important to make sure you’re doing the right exercises in the correct way. You’ll want to make an appointment with a qualified physiotherapist to learn what stretches are right for you. Physiotherapy can help you make the most of your workouts and improve your overall health.

5 more reasons why you should stretch

1. Stretching helps reduce muscle tension. It’s a therapeutic treatment by a physiotherapist. You’ll feel the rewards of stretching during your daily routine, walking or lifting.

2. Another benefit of stretching is increased blood circulation. Muscles require sufficient oxygen and nutrients in order to perform well. Stretching ramps up blood flow and transports oxygen and nutrients.

3. Stretching specific exercises prior to exercising helps the muscles to achieve maximum range of motion. It also helps strengthen the muscles. That is why during physiotherapy stretching is a main focus.

4. Stretching enhances joint range of motion. It enables the body part to move easier. For more dynamic movement, stretching increases muscular coordination. Some physiotherapy sessions focus on a muscle group instead of just one muscle for stretching.

5. Lastly, a benefit of stretching is heightened energy levels. The increased circulation increases energy levels. Learning to stretch properly will lead you to a more active lifestyle. “According to results of a new systematic review, moderate-grade evidence seems to support strengthening and stretching exercises to help ease chronic neck pain.”

Get started today

Whether you see a physiotherapist or not, stretching should be a part of your daily routine. You’ll feel better, perform better, and avoid injury. Contact BeActive Physio today to learn more!


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